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Hereford Base; Infirmary

Date: May 15th, 2021

Derek POV

You opened your eyes to see the dim lights of the Infirmary. You looked around and noticed Mickey was next to you laying down on a different bed. He looked over at you and could tell he was smiling under his balaclava.

Mickey: Morning sunshine.

Derek: *laughs* Don't call me sunshine ever again.

Mickey: So it seems like we're both stuck here for the time being.

Derek: How long was I out for?

Mickey: I was asleep for most of it, but I'd say 13 hours?

Derek: Well atleast it wasn't as bad as before.

Mickey: Yea. Because before, you were shot 5 times. This one was still as bad. Gustave had to get the bullet out since there was no exit point. He also said it quite stupid of you to try and move around while the bullet was still lodged in you.

Derek: Well what did he want me to do, just sit there dangling while you got your ass handed to you by a rusty pipe?

Mickey: Yea, pretty much.

You heard a door open to reveal Gustave walking in and setting things down on a table.

Doc: Good you're both awake. Sean, you're free to leave. I ask that you go back to your dorm and continue to lay down and rarely move around due to your minor concussion.

Mickey: I'll take it I'm gonna need a pair of crutches aswell?

Doc: That you do, you're out of all activities for a week until I see that your leg is recovering. As for you Derek, I want you to go back to your dorm and lie down aswell. I'm going to have Franklin come by every so often to get you what you need. Although, I don't have a definitive date for when you can be cleared.

Derek: So just have me do as little activity as possible, you know how hard that is for me doc.

Doc: I know, but it is key that you don't move because of your hip. It also doesn't help that you decided to make risky choices while the bullet was still in your body.

Derek: Alright alright. I promise I won't move around... for the first few days.

Doc: Good, if you have no more questions I will have Franklin come in to help bring you guys back to your dorm.

Derek: Yea just one more, am I atleast able to sit upright? Like on a chair or couch?

Doc: You can as long as you don't lean forward or try to lean back.

Derek: Alright fine.

You and Mickey both got up with you taking your time. You were handed a pair of crutches and Patch soon walked into the room.

Derek: Where's your maid outfit.

Patch: *laughs* Fuck off. Now come on, I need to take you two back to the dorm.

The three of you left the infirmary and you walked through the halls of the base until you reached your dorm. Patch opened the door and you all walked inside. The three of you took off your balaclavas and Patch closed the door and locked it.

Patch: Mickey, go in your room and lie down. Derek, you can either do the same or you can sit down on the couch.

Derek: Depends, did TimTheTatMan upload?

Patch: No.

Derek: Then I'm going the fuck back to sleep.

Patch: I will help you get in bed then.

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