MFB : BL 36

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"How is he?" Yibo accidentally mumbled as he woke up. He's having a hangover, since he drank all night, emptying a bottle of wine. Xiao Zhan is the only thing that runs through his mind all night, while he was drinking. He's been battling with himself if he should talk to him or not. The thought of Xiao Zhan having someone he loves is making him think over and over if he should talk to him.

Upon opening his eyes, he sighed. There's no sign of Xiao Zhan inside the room. He cupped his head as he stood up, his head is throbbing in pain from his hangover.

He made his way to the kitchen and sluggishly prepare his coffee. As he was preparing, an image of Xiao Zhan brewing coffee for him popped out of his mind.

"I wonder how is he now?" he mumbled and put the coffee on his mug. 'Could I even drink a cup of coffee again made by his hands?' he thought.

"Did he even realized that I'm not sending a message or contacting him?" he mumbled as he looks down at the coffee he is making. All the emotions were drained off his face, his lips won't turn up anymore. Pain and sadness reek inside the house. Wherever he goes inside the house, it just reminds him of Xiao Zhan.

'I wonder if his boyfriend is taking care of him more than the way I do, that he's not even texting me,' he smiled bitterly. His coffee was done, he lifts the mug and sipped on it. "Not as tasty as it used to be," he said and put the mug down.

He sighed heavily, his heart is longing for Xiao Zhan's warmth. 'I won't be feeling that warm body of his, now that he's a possession of someone,' he thought.

"You need to accept it even if it hurts Yibo," he said to himself. He sighed once again, he came to a resolution. Whatever Xiao Zhan will say, he will accept all of it, 'that's what friends are for,' he said in his mind.

He left his coffee in the kitchen and went to the living room where his phone is located. Upon spotting, he grabbed his phone.

He looked at the time before scrolling on it to find Xiao Zhan's number, it was already eleven in the morning. Then he opened Xiao Zhan's caller ID. He heaved a heavy sigh and gathered all his courage. "I can do this," he told himself as he dialed his number.


8:30 am

"Zhan you're awake," Xiao Zhan's mother greeted him with a smile.

Xiao Zhan looked at his mother with hooded eyes, "Where am I?" he stuttered as he tries pushing himself up, but his mother stopped him.

"You're at the hospital, son. You fainted and Yu Bin brought you here," she said.

"Hm, what am I even doing here?" He asked with his faint voice.

"You suffered from morning sickness, the doctor says you need to stay here for at least three days to monitor you and your baby," she stated and held his hands with a bright smile.

"Baby?" His brows met, he's confused at what his mother is saying.

"You're more than a week pregnant, son,"

"huh?" he asked, still confused at what's happening.

"So who's the father, son?" she asked.

Xiao Zhan froze when she uttered the 'father', there's no other person that he did that with. It's only Yibo.

'Don't tell me forgot to let me drink the pills that night?' he asked in his mind. He doesn't know if he should be happy that Yibo is the father or he should be sad that he's taking away the happiness of Yibo with another woman if he tells him about the baby.

"Son?" His mother snapped him out of his thought, "Are you okay?" she asked him, worriedly.

"M-mom, I don't know what to do anymore," he cried. Tears fell from his eyes.

His mother immediately hugged him and caress his ack, "shh, what happened? You can tell me everything, son," she said and lull him.

"Mom, what should I do?" he wept. He gripped tight on his mother as he cries his eyes out. "Shh, come on, you can do it, tell me what happened," she said with her sweet voice and patted his back, making him calm.

After a few minutes, he calmed down. He's still sniffling as he started telling her everything. He told her about how they end up in that situation with Yibo, him living in his house, about the agreement that he'll help him with his unstable heat cycle, and him falling with Yibo, about the thing about Yibo having a girlfriend and what happened to them before getting out of his house. While he's telling her everything, tears are falling from his eyes. Now he feels tired from all his crying.

"It's okay son," she smiled. She doesn't know what she should do about them. She wants his son to be happy, but she doesn't want his son suffering from a relationship merely out of obligation only, either. He's ready to accept Yibo for Xiao Zhan, but if Xiao Zhan will just suffer, she doesn't think she can handle that.

She sighed, "Don't cry anymore son, we'll figure it out okay? You should rest for now and don't let stress get to your head," she said and brushed his hair. Then she cupped his face and looked at him, "Stop crying already, my grandchild will feel sad when you're sad too," she gave him a genuine smile, then she wiped his tears. Xiao Zhan nodded faintly as an answer.

"Good, now rest. We'll figure it out together, I'm happy that you told me," she said and hummed a tune until Xiao Zhan fell asleep.

After a few minutes, Xiao Zhan was already sleeping peacefully. She smiled as he watches his son. Just then Xiao Zhan's phone rang. His mother's attention turned to its direction. She peeked on it and Yibo's caller ID showed up.

"Yibo?" he uttered then pick his phone. He answered the call, she was welcome by a hello from the other line.

"Hello," she answered back.

"Ah, auntie." He said from the other line.

"Are you looking for Zhan?" She asked and looked at Xiao Zhan at the corner of her eyes.

"Yes auntie, is he home?" he asked politely.

"Uhm, no. We're in the hospital right now,"

"Why!? what happened to him, auntie!?" He asked worriedly. Xiao Zhan's mother was shocked at his reaction.

She sighed, debating if she should tell Yibo the truth or just let Zhan decide if he should tell him or not, after what he heard from Xiao Zhan.

"He is p---" she was not able to finish what she was about to say when Yibo suddenly spoke, "where is that hospital auntie? I'll be right there," he exclaimed, worriedness can be heard in his tone.

She smiled, 'guess he still cares for Zhan even he has someone he loves,' she thought. 'I should let Zhan decide if he should tell him or not,' she added.

"I'll message you the address, don't panic too much," she uttered and smiled though he can't see her. "Be careful on your way," she reminded him before cutting off the call.

"Until he comes here, you should think about what to do about the problem, son," she muttered to the sleeping Zhan in front of her. She smiled as she holds his hands, that is making Xiao Zhan calm in his sleep.

My FuBu: BL Version (YiZhan FF) || Omegaverse AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora