MFB : BL 16

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Xiao Zhan was awakened by the cold breeze of the morning. He slowly opened his eyes and scratched them after.

It's unusual to wake up feeling cold since whenever he wakes up, he is always welcomed with human warmth. He wanders his hooded eyes around. The room is unexpectedly quiet, he sometimes hears heavy breaths in the morning.

He darted his eyes beside him, it was empty. He sighed, 'Did he left?' he asked in himself.

He shrugged and sluggishly climb out of bed and stretched his arm above his head. "Did he ate his breakfast? He should've woken me up so I can cook," he scratches his head.

He went down the kitchen and found the sink not empty, there's a cup on it, indicating that Yibo might have drunk tea or coffee for the morning.

Xiao Zhan sighed once again, "He arrives home late but he goes to work so early," he uttered and grabbed the apron and tied it on his waist.

"Well, it's not like it's necessary to bid goodbye in this kind of set up," he shrugged and started cooking for his breakfast.


The hours passed by quickly, Xiao Zhan was bored all day and keep on swaying and turning around the house. It was not his usual day, the past days, he was always exhausted at night and when the day comes, he'll sleep to regain his strength. But today is different, he's not tired or anything, his energy is not drained last night. And he's not used to it since he became accustomed to having sex every night already. The sudden change is making him sluggish and craves it.

He sighed as he lazily stood from the sofa. He's even lazy to cook food. But he dragged himself to the kitchen, the thought of Yibo going home is what's making him motivated.

He grabbed the apron and started preparing food.


After an hour he was able to finish cooking. As usual, he put half of it on a container and half for his share on a plate. He smiled as he looks at the food. He set the table and ate his fill.

After eating, he washed the dishes and went to shower. After showering, all he needs to do is wait for Yibo.


Two hours passed and there's still no sign of him. He already finished half of the book he is reading. His brows furrowed, it's the second time that he had his 'overtime' without telling him.

He sighed, "He had 'fun' again huh?" he shook his head. There it is again, an unexplained feeling is building up his chest. He remembered what happened last night and it's lingering on his mind.

He sighed heavily and closed his eyes as he distracts himself. He stood from the bed and went to the bathroom to take a pee.

But he was not able to reach the bathroom, his knees gave out. His body suddenly felt hot and streams of sweat run down his forehead. "Oh no, my heat," he muttered as he crawls back to the bed. He started getting dizzy, but before he can turn back his whole body collapsed all of a sudden, it becomes weak, his breath is getting ragged and his eyesight is getting blurry.

"S-suppressants--" he mumbled as he tries crawling back to the bed and grab suppressants on the drawer beside it. But he can barely move, his crawls are progressing by inch but it'll be morning before he can reach the bed.

"H-help--" he cried but there's no one around that can help him. His phone is on the other side of the bed. Tears started flowing from his eyes, the heat is making his body weak, his torso is hurting as well and his hole is twitching so hard that it's asking for an alpha to satisfy it.

"Hng--" he cried, there's no helping it. He can't move anymore. He hugged his knees and close his eyes. Tears are streaming down from his eyes. He gave up and let himself be swallowed by the coldness of the floor.

"I-I can't a-anymore," He sobbed. It was really painful. If only he can just grab a suppressant and everything that he feels at the moment would calm down.

He cried as he can't do anything. He endured the pain and cried his heart out until he passed out from all his crying.


Meanwhile in Yibo's office...

"You're fired, don't come here tomorrow anymore," Yibo uttered with his monotonous tone, making his new secretary look at him with disbelief.

As he buttons up his pants and fixes his belt, he looks back at her with his cold gaze.

"What are you still waiting for?" He asked creating tension inside the office.

The woman can't do anything, she clicked her tongue and grabbed all her scattered clothes, and stormed out of his office.

"After having his pleasure he'll just fire me? what an asshole," she mumbled as she makes her way out with her heavy footsteps.

Yibo heard what she said but pretended he didn't hear anything. He's aware that he's being an asshole. He's trying to test out his compatibility with someone other than Xiao Zhan since Xiao Zhan is making his emotions stir up in an unexplainable feeling.

And again, he didn't felt the satisfaction he was looking for. He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he fixed his clothes. After fixing, he sniffed on it and a sour face plastered on his face, it was the disgusting smell of pheromones again. "Why does this smell so unpleasant? But, it's not the case when it's Xiao Zhan," he asked himself with his brows furrowed, confused with all the difference between a male omega and a female one.

He cracked his neck and pick up his phone, "It's past eleven again, I wonder if Xiao Zhan is waiting for me again?" he thought and put his phone inside his bag.

He sighed once again and grabbed his bag and went out of his office.

My FuBu: BL Version (YiZhan FF) || Omegaverse AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz