MFB : BL 30

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Xiao Zhan woke up, his side is empty. He sat up and looked at it with his hooded eyes. He sighed, 'don't tell me he woke up in the middle of the night again and slept in the living room?' he thought.

He stood from the bed and sluggishly made his way downstairs.

He went to the living room to check if Yibo was there but there's no sign of him either. He sighed, "Must be on his office already," he muttered. He went to the kitchen to check if Yibo ate something or drink something, but there's not even a sign that he had anything filled his stomach.

Xiao Zhan clicked his tongue, "he hasn't eaten anything or even drank coffee," he muttered angrily. But then his expression softens, now he's worried, "Doesn't he have a hangover?"

He sighed, "I should have woke up earlier than him, that way I am able to prepare him something to cure his hangover." He went on the counter and stretched his arm above his head, "Then I should cook for him and bring it to his office," he tittered and grabbed the apron. He felt motivated because of seeing Yibo in his office. He smiled wide, "I'll be seeing him on his work mode," he giggled as he started preparing.


After an hour, he was finished. He got too excited and prepared too much. He tittered when he realized that he prepared too many. "I'll put the leftovers on the fridge~," he said and hum happily as he cleans the space and put the leftovers on the fridge.

"Now, all I need to do is wash up so I can be presentable when I go to his office," he uttered with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"Lalala~" he sang as he removes the apron and put it on the counter. He grabbed a bag for the lunchbox then happily went upstairs.


He was finished preparing, he smiled at the mirror as he looks at his presentable self. 'Is this enough?' he thought, feeling anxious about what impression he might leave on Yibo's employees.

He took a quick glance from head to toe, then smiled again. "Yeah, it's enough," he mumbled, there's a hint of excitement on his tone.

He went downstairs and grabbed the bag of lunchbox from the kitchen. Then he took out his phone and looked at the time. It was eight am on his clock, "It's still early, this will be just right for his breakfast," he tittered and step out of the house.


He arrived at Yibo's building by taxi, he looked up at the tall building with a wide grin.

"I miss going to work already," he said while reminiscing those times that he works at his father's company. His father owned some buildings too around Beijing, Shanghai, and other cities.

He sighed, as he gathers his courage to enter the building. Everything inside was simple but elegant at the same time. He approached the help desk and talked with the attendant.

"I'm President Wang's friend, can I talk to him?" He asked.

"Uhm, do you have an appointment sir?" she asked with a smile.

"I do not," he was dumbfounded, and it's showing on his face, that made the attendant felt pity. "Uhm, well, I can just call to Mr. President for you sir," she smiled that made Xiao Zhan's expression change into a wide smile.

"By the way, what's your name sir?" She asked and avert her gaze to him.

"Xiao Zhan," he said and smiled. A surprised face plastered on her face, "Oh, the son of President Xiao?" she asked surprised.

"Ah, yes, hehe" he laughed awkwardly and scratched his head.

"You're so handsome sir," she complimented then turn her attention to the phone. "By the way sir, President Wang just left his office, his secretary said," she said and bowed as an apology.

"Oh, it's fine. don't need to worry," he uttered, despite being dumbfounded he smiled at her.

Then she glimpses on Xiao Zhan's back, there was Yibo. "Sir, there's President Wang," she pointed out. Xiao Zhan looked in the direction she's looking at. His eyes gleamed when he finally saw him. He was too far for Yibo to hear him, so he grabbed his phone and about to contact him. But all his excitement shattered when he saw who is walking beside Yibo.

It was a pretty woman, with her alpha physique, dressed in a pencil skirt and a tucked-in upper, her legs were fair that compliments her stiletto. "She's beautiful," he mumbled with sadness in his tone.

"Oh, that's the chief financial officer, Ms. Zhang," The receptionist said.

"Is that so? they look close," he muttered. They were talking and giggling with each other, a pinch suddenly struck his heart.

"It's because they wer---" Xiao Zhan didn't hear the last part that she said.

As if his ears are clogged at what he saw.


The woman tripped from her stiletto, and Yibo successfully caught her. The woman is limping as she stood. When she tried walking, she tripped again. Her ankles are twisted and needed to be check.

"Can you walk?" Yibo asked her as he supports her hands.

"I don't think I can," she winced in pain.

"Then should I carry you?" He asked as he crouches down to help her.

"Are you sure? I can just call my husband tho," she said, pain is plastered on her face.

"It's okay, I could carry you to the car and you can call your husband to drive you to the hospital," He said worriedly. He didn't wait for her to answer and carried her in his arms.


Xiao Zhan watched them as they leave the building, he doesn't have any idea what they have been mumbling together but he felt his heart broke. Tears are building upon his eyes. He sighed deeply to let out the pain. He swallowed the lump on his throat and smiled bitterly.

He set down the bag of lunchbox on the desk, "Please give this to President Wang," He said with his sad tone while he looks down at his feet. His heart feels heavy as if it weighs tons of pain.

"You will not wait for him sir?" she asked.

"He seems busy, so it's fine. Thank you by the way," He looked at the receptionist and gave her a forced smile.

"Okay sir, be careful on your way," she smiled and bowed at him.

Xiao Zhan dragged his feet out of the building, the pain is squeezing his heart so much that even his mind is getting fogged. He called for a taxi as he tires hiding his tears, but the moment he entered the taxi, his tears voluntarily fell from his eyes. He hugged his knees, his tears won't stop falling even if he wipes them continuously.

My FuBu: BL Version (YiZhan FF) || Omegaverse AUWhere stories live. Discover now