MFB : BL 7

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I was awakened by the bright light, It's just my second day here but I cannot get used to Yibo's curtains. It's too bright!

I slowly opened my eyes and supported my body up to sit on the bed.

"Oh, you're up early. I thought you'll sleep until late," Yibo suddenly spoke. I looked at him with hooded eyes. He's reading early in the morning, isn't he sick of looking at letters?

I scratched my eyes and yawned. "Probably getting out today," I uttered. I know he doesn't care where I go but I think I needed to tell him.

"Where to?" He asked.

"Buy some clothes, It's not like I can keep on borrowing from you," I said and stretched my arms above my head.

"Don't go spending money on unnecessary things. I've called someone to pick your clothes from your apartment since you're not going to be coming back there for a long time," He said with his straight face, his eyes are still darted on the book.

But for them I realized, how did he know where my apartment is? I don't remember telling him that, tho.

My brows met as I look at him, "How did you know my address?" I asked furiously.

He stopped reading and looked at me, "Sources?" He answered.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "So you look up into me?" I asked.

"Maybe?" He answered and continue what he is doing.

"WHAT!?" I exclaimed and stood from the bed. The blanket slips down, revealing my bareness.

"Woah there, don't just jump out of bed that naked, you want me to eat you up for breakfast?" He said teasingly as he looks at me as if I'm prey.

My eyes went wide, I immediately grabbed the blanket and covered my whole body. I clicked my tongue when I felt a sudden sting on my chest. My brows met. I looked at my chest and my nipples are swollen and it hurts when it rubs on the blanket. My cheeks flushed, the memory of how Yibo suck, rub and pinch my nipple last night suddenly flashed back.

"Why? Does it hurt?" He asked, he put down the book he is reading and scoot closer to me. I immediately stepped back.

"N-no," I denied, now I feel embarrassed after remembering what happened last night.

"Let me see," He said worriedly and grabbed my hand making the blanket drop on the floor.

My cheeks flushed red even more when my bareness was exposed.

"Oh, your body looks more lewd when the sunlight is lighting the room," He uttered and pulled me on his lap, making me squeal in surprise.

"So lewd," He whispered before he attacks my neck. He's doing again what he did last night.

But my body immediately reacted, my back arched, giving him more room to devour.

"Y-Yibo, it's too earl-ly" I whined, my hands went on his hair and brush them as the feeling of his lips on my bare skin is overwhelming.

"You're saying that but your body is saying otherwise. Just be honest will you?" He whispered with his husky voice. His hands went on my back supporting me because I keep on arching my body.

I can feel his torso between my legs and it's already hard, so as to mine. And it keeps rubbing together.

My goodness, it's feels so good. My mouth gaped open as his touches are making my mind loses its sanity.

"Does it feels good?" He suddenly uttered between his kissing.

I nodded as I can't answer properly anymore. I put my hands on his nape as I keep him do what he wants.

My insides are twitching again. I want something to fill me up. Hng

I slowly grind my hips on his lap, I felt him smirk on my skin when I did that. He pulled away and looked at me, "You want me to fill you?" he asked huskily.

The fuck? Who would say no to that? Of course, I want him to fill my emptiness!

I nodded vigorously as an answer.

"Well then," he smirked and lift me up.

But when we're about to start and get heated, the doorbell suddenly rang that made us both stop.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance but then he sighed after, he put me down and stood up.

"I'll go check it, you should take a shower. Though I cleaned you last night, it's not even enough to clean you entirely," He said continuously. 'His mood immediately changes, huh? What a weirdo.'

I shrugged and stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom. Now that he mentions it, I feel so sticky. I closed the door of the bathroom and opened the shower. I let the water flow on my body.

I closed my eyes as I feel the water run down my body, it's so refreshing.

Just then, memories keep flashing back, Yibo and I used to take a bath together when we were kids, we almost do all things together.

But then, we still don't know our secondary gender at that time. Everything was normal not until our secondary gender started manifesting.

But then, we're still close even we found out what our gender is.

I lowered my head and sighed, "he even promised to protect me"

My shoulder drooped, "So where does that promise went?" I asked myself.

"He left me for so many years without a reason," I uttered.

Now the warm water that's flowing down my body feels cold. 'He's not the same as before now. He became manly and mature, together with his behavior, it changed. Our closeness vanished the moment he stepped out of my life. Now that I met him again, it turned out like this.'

'We're friends but we're having sex.' I sighed. This is frustrating.

"Our bodies connect, yet our closeness won't. It's as if there's a line drawn between us, no one dares to step out of it." I mumbled.

I sighed once again, 'well, it doesn't matter, it's still a win-win situation on my part.' I shrugged and grabbed the soap and rubbed it on my body.

"I should not worry about this unnecessary thing anymore. Past is past~" I cheered myself up.

My FuBu: BL Version (YiZhan FF) || Omegaverse AUWhere stories live. Discover now