Fly Away From Here

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Music for this chapter: Fly Away From Here by Aerosmith


It's been a two years since that fateful rainy day in New York and 18 months have gone by since Cheyanne died. Despite Katie ghosting me and Jaden dumping me, life seems good for me.

My latest business venture, the production studio I started with Rob is very successful. We're about to gear up to work on a movie which everyone kept telling him that he needs to star in when the shit hits the fan.

The film brings us back to Philadelphia and I was happy to see my family but then I suffered a heartbreak when Shane called me. "Mom's in the hospital," he says. I'm in a panic. I can't do this and it's hurting like hell.

"Oh my God, where are my keys," I exclaim. I find them and snatch them up from the table as I grab my bag.  

I'm running out of the room and heading to the car when Rob sees me. "Casey, what's wrong," he asks.

I start going a mile a minute and finally he gets me to slow down. " hospital...heart stopped...I..."

"Casey, take a deep breath," he says to me. I finally catch my breath.

"Shane called me. My mom's on her way to the hospital. She passed out at home and they think it's her heart. I have to get to the hospital." 

"I'm going with you." 

I then notice Rob taking my keys. "I'm driving," he tells me.

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not," he says to me. "I am not risking an accident with you, Casey." 

 We drive up towards the hospital and I keep freaking out. I'm gripping the "Oh shit bar" as my dad calls that little bar near the door. 

"Come on, my driving is not that bad," he tells me after noticing that I have my hand on the bar. He then realizes what's wrong. "Keep breathing" he says to me. 

We pull into the hospital when I tell him I can't go in. "You have to," he tells me. "I'll be there with you." 

He helps me out of the car and keeps talking to me as we walk to the ER entrance. "It's okay," he assures me. "Just keep breathing." 

We get in and he sees I can't speak that well. "My friend just got a call about her mother," he tells the clerk at the desk. 

"What's her name."

"Deana Kelly."

The clerk gets a nursing aide to lead us to the room but my brother stops us. "Get in there," he tells me, pointing to an empty room. He then pulls Rob aside and tells him the news.

I know it's bad because I hear Rob say to Shane, "Oh no. This is going to break her heart."

"That's why I'm telling you."

They walk in and tell me the news. "DEAR GOD, NO!" I scream.

I go into hysterics and I'm starting to get so upset that I throw my phone onto the chair and collapse to my knees on the floor. I'm looking up screaming, "GOD, WHY HER?! YOU ASSHOLE, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU ALLOW HER TO GO?!" I'm hitting the chair and just going bonkers. 

"Casey, relax," my brother says.

"That son of a bitch Juan fucking prayed for this," I scream. 

I'm still crying and Rob grabs a hold of me. I struggle a little before finally letting him pull me closer. "Casey....Casey, it's okay," he says.  I start to cry and I'm shaking so badly as he pulls me tighter.

"'s okay," he whispers to me me while gently stroking my hair.

"I can't believe this is happening," I say in between tears. 

"I know, love," he whispers. "Just relax. I got you." I keep crying but he doesn't let go of me but instead tightens his embrace. "'s okay, Casey. I'm not going anywhere," he whispers into my hair.  

A nurse who heard the commotion knocks on the door. Shane opens it and she sees me on the floor with Rob holding me close while I cry. "Is everything okay," she asks. 

"We just told her," Shane says.

"We can get someone to talk to her," the nurse says. 

I try to get up feel the walls are closing in. I start to get dizzy and I'm about to pass out when Rob catches me. "Casey," he gasps as I melt into his arms. 

"We need to get her to an exam room," the nurse says. Rob scoops me up and follows the nurse into an exam room. 

He then puts me on a gurney and I look over at him. "Is it supposed to hurt like this," I say to him.

"Shh...just relax, Casey. It's okay," he tells me while moving my hair out of my face. 

A doctor comes in and the nurse tells him everything. "Okay, she's going to need some Ativan, 10 MG," he tells the nurse.  He then looks over at Rob and asks how does he know me. 

"She's a friend," he tells the doctor.  The doctor notices him squeezing my hand and assuring me it's okay. 

"I think you might be the one that helps me with keeping her calm," the doctor says. 

"How can this be. What did I do to deserve this? I know God hates that I went into filmmaking because of the movies I do." 

"Casey, that's not true," Rob tells me. The nurse comes in with an injectable version of Ativan. 

"It'll get into her system quicker," she tells us as she puts the needle in. Within seconds, the substance that the needle contains is in my veins. "We'll give that a few minutes and see how she's doing," the nurse says. 

Rob stays with me the whole time. "Just relax," he says, squeezing my hand. "It's going to be okay. Keep breathing." 

Between the medication and the sound of my best friend's words, I start to relax a little more. "That's it, Casey...just relax," Rob says to me. "I know it hurts." 

After a few minutes, the doctor tells us that everything checks out okay and that he'll only let me go home if someone stays at the house that night.  "I'll do it," Rob tells the doctor. 

He makes sure I get into the car and we drive back to my house. As we pull into the driveway, he tells me it's okay and he's not going anywhere.

"I remember when you trashed the house after Cheyanne's passing because you felt alone. I don't want you to feel that way this time." He also got Shane to pick up the prescription the ER doc sent me home with.

I get a shower and then throw on a pair of leggings with a T-shirt. When I walk out of my bedroom, I hear Rob talking to Shane who dropped off the prescription. 

"Call me if you need anything," he tells Shane.

"You too."

"I'll call later to make sure Casey is okay," Shane says as he leaves. 

I head to the couch and I feel like I'm about to crack. "We'll delay production," Rob tells me. "You can't work on this while you're a train wreck."  I try to tell him that I would be okay but he insists. We then settle on the couch and watch a movie. The whole ordeal tired me out so much that I start to fall asleep in his arms.

As I'm drifting to sleep, I hear him whisper, "It'll be okay'll see." ' 

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