Happy Birthday Casey

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Another multi-person POV chapter!

Music for the chapter: Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffett


Casey's POV

I had one epic birthday party. Rob somehow got together Shane and my dad and we went to Atlantic City. We invited my mom but she opted to spend a weekend in Jersey with her sister, Silvia.  It was your basic weekend of partying, hanging out, and of course there may have been some gambling involved on Shane's part. 

I didn't even know it was going to happen but a text from Rob would be the tip-off.


Rob: Pack a bag, Casey. We're going to have fun this weekend! 

Me: Oh really?

Rob: Yes, really.

Sends a video with the song Margaritaville in it. 

Me: Key West?

Rob: More like Atlantic City.

Casey: You owe me a cheeseburger in paradise!

Rob: You'll get it. 


Is he insane! Atlantic City?! Okay, as long as we hit up Margaritaville, I'm happy.

I would pack up a bag along with some camera stuff because it'll be fun and get ready to head out. Shane pull up in his car along with Rob who quickly jumps out to grab my bags.

 "Did you find your lost shaker of salt," he jokes.

We get drive the hour to AC and I thought we would end up going to Resorts. Nope...we checked into the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino which was so epic! Our first night, we would go to the Hard Rock where Shane and my dad hit up the casino. 

Rob and I opted to have a few drinks and dinner at the iconic Hard Rock Cafe. That's when I tell him about my issues with Katie. "I think she's jealous of me," I tell him. 


I show him the text about how her father passed away, she got fired from her job with Dior, and now she's struggling with work. "She says it's my fault," I tell him.

"But how is that your fault," he asks me.

"I dunno."

The next day was my birthday and Rob thought it would be so cool to go to Steel Pier which I agree to on one condition: We have to go to Margate first and see Lucy The Elephant. 

Lucy is this really cool roadside oddity. It's a six story building that looks like an elephant. It was built in the 1800s to promote real estate and was restored to where it's now a tourist attraction. I have to admit, it was kinda fun. 

We ventured back to AC to head to Steel Pier but first we had lunch with Shane at Landshark Bar & Grill where the guys start planning my birthday dinner. 

"So what are we planning for tonight since it's Casey's birthday...officially," Shane asks. 

"I told you guys don't make a big fuss out of my birthday," I tell them.

Rob on the other hand says we have to do it. "I'm thinking we look for that lost shaker of salt," Rob jokes. 

Shane knows what he means and continues the theme. "Well, you know, some people claim there is a woman to blame." 

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