Casey at the Photoshoot

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Author's note. The stuff in italics that's centered is Casey's inner monologue. 


We're in NYC and the first few hours are boring as hell. It's mostly setting up the lights, helping Katie with camera angles, and of course the models are a bit uptight...this is not my idea of a good time. "Typical models," Katie tells me over lunch. 

Why do you take these jobs then, Katie? 

We get back and Katie sees Natalie who is a rep from Dior chatting with a very attractive guy. I can't help but notice him and damn, he's so fucking gorgeous! I just can't keep my eyes off of him and I'm mesmerized. 

Hello, tall, dark and handsome! I think Kevin Smith was right...God is a woman!

I'm talking with Katie and glancing every so often at this very attractive guy just yards away. Damn, he's so fucking hot! I would notice him looking over at me every now and then and I'd give him a shy little smile before looking over at Katie and finishing our conversation.  

After the third stolen glance, I realize I have seen him before. Am I hallucinating here?! It can't be him!

Is it me or does this guy look like that dude from Twilight? Yeah, like you're that lucky, Casey! But damn he looks like the guy who played Edward Cullen in Twilight. What was his name again...Robert something? UGH! Your grandma would freak because you can't even remember the guy's name! 

I nudge Katie and whisper, "Katie, that can't be who I think it is. Tell me this is a dream. Pinch me, please." 

Katie pinches my arm. "Ouch," I say. 

"Guess this isn't a dream," Katie tells me. "Casey, you're not hallucinating, that is Robert Pattinson over there."

Holy fuck, Casey, you're in New York at a Dior photoshoot and Robert Pattinson is like three feet away from you!? You know that Móraí thinks he's gorgeous as fuck...she's going to go crazy when she hears this one!

I see Katie picking up her camera when she drops a bombshell on me. "By the way, you're doing his photoshoot because this could be your big break."

Seriously, Katie?! You know my weakness for Englishmen. Also, we're talking about Robert Pattinson who is so fucking gorgeous that even my grandma has a crush on him. UGH! You're over your head, Casey!

"I can't do this," I whisper.

"Why?" Katie asks.

I whisper to her, "We're talking about Robert fucking Pattinson! This guy was deemed the most handsome man in the world according to science. Also, you know my grandma got us to see his last movie which I loved." 

"You'll be fine," Katie whispers as she hands me her camera.

And maybe I'll fall on my face. Okay, Casey,'re a professional and it's not like you're photographing him naked. Sure, put that thought in your head. Okay, need a guy who flashed you on the Broad Street Subway after an Eagles game. Eck! That guy must have been proud of his shortcomings. 

I can hear Natalie talking to him about Katie. "So Katie Winslow is the photographer from Philadelphia. I was in here earlier and she did an great job. Also, her assistant is such a sweet thing who really knows her stuff as well. Would not be shocked if she was a photographer herself." 

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