The other side of the shoot

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Author's note: This is in multi-person POV also, any quotes in centered italics is inner dialogue the character is having with their brain. 

Music for this chapter: Waiting On A Friend by Rolling Stones 


Katie's POV

I'm in the cab with Casey and I'm re-reading the email from Natalie Watkins who works for Dior: 

I'm in the cab with Casey and I'm re-reading the email from Natalie Watkins who works for Dior: 

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I have not told Casey about Robert Pattinson. I know she would drop dead if I told her because  know Casey's got a huge weakness for Englishmen. Also, I know she saw a few of his movies thanks to her grandma and she thinks he's kinda cute.

 Also, I'm going to let Casey do that portion of the shoot because my dad's in a hospital in New York dying of cancer and I would really like to see him. Also, if Rob is so damn easy going, Casey will not have a problem. 

"So glad you can do this," she tells us. "The models for the first half are on their way in." 

We get to work and it's pretty standard shit but I know I still need Casey's guidance since she always had the better eye. The models are a little uptight which drives me insane but Casey acts like it's no big deal.  After the morning shoot, we thank the models for their time and head to lunch at a little cafe nearby. "God, I hate high fashion," I tell Casey. "So many uptight models." 

"So what's next," Casey asks me.

"Next? Seems we have the Dior Homme line. I don't know much else other than that." Yeah, I told a white lie. I mean, I know Casey has that weakness for Englishmen so if she even heard about Robert Pattinson, she would probably drop dead and I don't have the popcorn nor do I know CPR.

We get back to the location of the shoot and Casey and I see Natalie talking with someone. I know it's Robert Pattinson and for some reason, he keeps glancing over at Casey. After the third or fourth stolen glance, it dawns on Casey who it is.  She nudges me and whispers, "Katie, that can't be who I think it is. I need you to pinch me because this has to be a dream." 

Casey Kelly, meet Robert Pattinson. 

I pinch Casey and she winces. I whisper to her as I pick up the camera, "There, you know it's not a dream. Also your eyes don't deceive you because that's Robert Pattinson and you're doing his photoshoot because this could be your big break."

She keeps telling me she can't because she doesn't think she could do a photoshoot featuring the "Most Handsome Man In The World According To Science" but I keep telling her she can and I hand her my camera. 

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