XFinity Live!

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This is another chapter from the POV of someone else than Casey. There's also some inner dialogue that the character has with themself

Music for this chapter:  Radioactive by Imagine Dragons


Katie's POV

Damnit! I lost the contract with Dior! I got an email this afternoon about the news.

Damnit! I lost the contract with Dior! I got an email this afternoon about the news

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I am crushed. God, I hope it wasn't someone who is like my old rival from my days at Moore. I immediately call Natalie who lets me know what exactly happened.

"Katie, you were talented but as you know, the Dior Homme ads that the chosen candidate would do were to solely work with one of our biggest names," she tells me.

"I'm aware of that," I tell her. "So what happened."

"Truth is, Katie, it was Rob's decision to make. While we couldn't get you to do any photos with him, we did show him a lot of your past work and the work you did with our models that morning. He also looked at the work that a couple of other photographers did and made the choice from there."

"I understand," I tell her. 

"I know I shouldn't do this but I feel like you need to know this since it involves a friend of yours," she tells me. "Rob went with Casey Kelly. He said that she had this amazing ability to capture what we wanted but with a new twist on what we were trying to accomplish."

I'm stunned. I have been doing high end photography for three years and Casey who has only done photography for school yearbooks and an outlet chain online ends up getting the gig. While I'm happy for her, I just have to wonder what is going on. 

I swallow my pride and let Natalie know that I accept that in the end, it came down to what Rob thought since the photographer would be solely working with him. "Natalie, I can understand. I've known Casey for many years and she's pretty talented. In the end, the best girl won. Thanks for letting me know.

"It's my pleasure," Natalie tells me. "I'm going to email you a little something to help in your future endeavors from me personally. Good luck, Katie."

"Thank you," I say as I hang up.

Casey won out. I won't lie, it's a sting that hurts but I guess if Rob had to pick anyone, why not the girl who stayed around for the shoot. I know that's what it has to be. I mean, I saw how he kept stealing glances at Casey and it was almost like he was low-key flirting but I also know that even if I stayed and snapped the photos, she would still catch his eye in that sense. 

In the end, it came down to talent and sadly, I don't have it. I never did really. I know that Natalie is going to email Casey the contract so I go and send her a text to check her email. 

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