Mighty Casey's London Adventure

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Music for this chapter: "Strawberry Fields Forever" by The Beatles

(also Casey's inner dialogue is back)

(also Casey's inner dialogue is back)

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I always loved going to London. I went here a few times on account of my father who was born here and we lived here off and on growing up which was nice. Of course I still have a few friends over here but today I'm in London because of a Dior photo shoot. This should be fun. 

I'm still not at 100% after losing my sister but I also know the show must go on. Thankfully my bestie in London knows I'm kind of down and he's not going to let this damper my fun one bit. Rob already told me...he's getting me out at least once or twice.

I decided instead of staying at a hotel, I decided to crash with my cousin John-Michael who lives near Notting Hill. He showed me around a little, of course and then one afternoon while I was strolling in Leicester Square, I get a phone call.

"So when were you going to tell me you were in town?"

Wait...is Robert Pattinson stalking me? How the fuck does he know I'm in London?

"Got here two days ago. When did you get back?"

"Four days ago."

"How do you even know I'm in London?"

I bet you he put a tracker on my phone. 

"Turn to your left."

I turn left and see no one. "Okay, I don't see anything."

"Turn again."

He's got to be kidding.

"Where are you?"

"I'm here. Turn about  20 degrees to the left." 

I turn and again nothing. "You better not be playing with me, Pattinson!"

Five seconds later I feel someone tap my shoulder and it startles me to where I take a swing. Thankfully I miss who it is because I hear a familiar voice say, "Note to self: Don't sneak up on a Jersey Girl." 

I can't help but laugh. "Okay, why did you do that?"

"Because I can."

He's so silly.

"You couldn't just wave and scream, 'Casey, over here' like a normal person, huh?"

Casey, why did you say that...you know Robert Pattinson is many things but normal isn't one of them. 

"Casey, you know I'm not normal. So what have you been doing since you got here?"

"Some sightseeing. My cousin lives in the city so he showed me around."

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