Katie Winslow: An Artist

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This is a chapter that sets up Katie's story...

Music for this chapter: Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand 


Hi, I'm Katherine Lisa Winslow but you can call me Katie. I'm a photographer from Philadelphia, PA who has just been offered the chance to go on an audition of sorts.

So let me tell you a little about myself. I am from South Philly and I have a BFA in photography from Moore College of Art where I met my best friend, Casey Kelly.  I needed help with a project and Casey was one of the tops in the class. I was about 18 and I knew she was this 16-year-old who used to come into Philly on the weekends so I hung out with her and her uncle Colin a lot of times. I also found out she loves 90s and 2000s alternative rock so yeah, we became best friends thanks to a love of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. 

Casey's living near Ewing right now since her father moved the operations of his construction company to an area just outside of Lambertville, NJ. She was let go from her job at Burlington (the store, not the town in New Jersey) and is now working in online marketing for her dad's company while she finishes her studies at Rider.  

My parents, John and Diane Winslow divorced when I was about 14 and I lived in Philly with my dad moved to Piscataway, NJ. He came out about four years ago and married this guy named named Dieter Dietrich (yes, that's his real name). I like Dieter and I visit him and my dad all the time. Last week I found out my dad has Stage IV lung cancer and I've been trying to spend as much time as I can with him.

My family also includes a sister named Amber and a brother named Jacob. Amber lives in New Jersey and is married to a university professor while Jacob lives on Long Island and lives with his wife Eileen. I am close with both of them as to be expected.

It's Monday morning and I get an email about a job offer. I'm right now working freelance with a friend and have done a ton of high fashion but this audition sparks my interest. What is it? Well, it seems that Dior wants to have a photographer work an exclusive deal where they will do Dior Homme ads featuring Robert Pattinson. 

You heard me right, the guy from Twilight. I know I'm out of my league because I got the boot from working for Tommy Hilfiger but I also know that doing this shoot will give me time to see my dad who is in the hospital. Dieter told me it does not look good and I do want to see him before he passes.

I call the one person I know I can count on after my assistant bailed, my best friend Casey. I know Casey has this weakness for Englishmen and I would think being in the same room with Robert Pattinson would make her lose her mind but I'm in a jam. I talk to her on the phone and I offer to not only pay for her way up to NYC but I also offer to buy her lunch while we are there. And just like the friend she is, Casey agrees. 

Of course considering it's Casey, I might just ask her to take some photos. Oh who am I kidding? I'll let her do the damn shoot. I email Natalie Watkins who is the contact at Dior and tell her that I'll be there and I also give her information regarding Casey. I then get a reply from her:

Ms. Winslow:

Thank you once again for agreeing to do our Dior photoshoots. Tomorrow's shooting schedule breaks down like this: At 10AM, we do our usual couture line with our regular models. You'll break for lunch around 12:30 and at 2PM comes the big audition of sorts with our Dior Homme shoot featuring one of our most popular models, Robert Pattinson.

I can tell you while the afternoon schedule is the test of your talent, the mornings will be a little more challenging. If I can be honest with you, Rob is a photographer's dream come true since he is not only very easygoing with the crew but he also photographs very well. I'm looking forward to seeing you and Ms. Kelly tomorrow morning.


Natalie Watkins

Advertising Director, Christian Dior

I go to pick out something to wear and settle on a black Moore College of Art shirt and black jeans to pair with my black motorcycle boots. I then get ready to go to sleep because I know I'll have to meet Casey in Trenton early in the morning.


I meet with Casey around 7AM and she's standing there with a cup of coffee as usual. "Casey, you are saving my life," I tell her.

"It's nothing."

"Nothing? I was so annoyed when Blake told me he couldn't do the shoot. It was something about how he just had bad anxiety going into New York. What the fuck?"

I hand her the train ticket and tell her I know of a cafe not too far from the shoot where we can go to for lunch.  She and I talk for a bit on the train ride there which takes about 90 minutes from Trenton. 

I get a text from Dieter and tell him I'm going to come by around 2:00 to see my dad. He's okay with that. We get to New York and we're on our way to the shoot when Dieter sends me a message saying my dad's really not doing too well.

I text him back saying, "I'll get my friend set up with the Dior shoot after lunch and I'll be right over." 

Let the games begin!

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