Planning the Intervention

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This is a multi-person POV chapter

Music for this chapter: Sky Is Falling by Lifehouse 


Casey's POV

I just told my dad I'm at home and why. He told me to swing by tomorrow and it's really bothering me that Cheyanne did this. I call her but it goes to voice mail. "Must be asleep," I say to myself.

I text Rob and tell him I made it back to Philly and that I'm going to stage the intervention. I then go through some channels and finally settle on Corky Romano which is on Encore. I still remember the night Rob got me to watch this when we were on a shoot in Barcelona and it was raining. I guess it's more of that comfort food type feeling for me because I just remember sitting in Rob's hotel room watching this and we both laughed our heads off. I did get him to watch one of my favorite comedies, The Jerk and let's just say we both laughed at the same parts. 

He would discover that I was a big fan of screwball comedies, mostly from the 70s and 80s and the reason why was because my sister. She got me to watch all of them and we always ended up doing the whole "Oh sexy girlfriend" line from Sixteen Candles every time we would run into each other. Cheyanne also got me into Kevin Smith movies which was another thing I got Rob to do once on a photo Jay & Silent Bob Strikes Back. That was a fun night actually. 

It's almost at the end when my phone rings. I look over thinking it's my sister but it's Rob. 

"Hey," I say when I answer.

"Hey. Just wanted to see how you were," he says to me.

"I'm fine. I tried calling Cheyanne but she's not answering. I think she must have fallen asleep." 

"She did. I called your mum and she told me. Casey, I can't lie, your sister's in bad shape. You really do need to get her to go to the hospital."

"Like I said, we lost three family members to a stroke," I tell him. "She's gotta listen to that. Also you know I have chronic migraines so she needs to understand that this is nothing you fool with." 

"Are you sure you don't want me to fly down there tonight?"

"I'll be fine."

"Just remember, whatever you need, call me. If you need me to get to Philly, I'll be there at a moment's notice. I can't let you deal with this alone, Casey." 

"I know. Thanks."

"Anytime. You're a great friend and I'm the type that looks out for my friends." 

After the call, I would finish watching the movie and get ready to go to sleep. I just pray that my sister will listen to reason tomorrow.

Rob's POV

I can't believe Casey is dealing with this. I know if it were me, I would be a train wreck. I guess that's why I insisted on getting her a flight back to Philly and told her I would fly there if she needs me.

In a way, I can relate to Casey's relationship with her siblings since like her, I'm the youngest of three. Unlike Casey, I have two older sisters who while they drove me up a wall, I still adore them enough to worry. I told Casey if I heard about one of my sisters having this issue, I would be on the next flight home and begging them to see a doctor. She finally understood my reason for wanting to get her back home and agreed to take me up on the offer.

I got to know her family through her. I talked briefly to Cheyanne when I called Casey one day and she was in the shower. She seemed to be rather interesting but it wasn't until the day I met her that I knew I liked her. I showed up at Casey's house to be greeted by this tiny brunette woman who kinda looked like Casey. I still remember she looked at me and said, "Alas, we meet."

Cheyanne is way different than Casey. I mean, they're both feisty and tell you like it is and they both have that bold style but Casey can be a little more shy. She told me that she had crippling anxiety as a kid which she was able to overcome by playing ice hockey and basketball and then taking up kickboxing in college. It was much to the chagrin of her very conservative relatives but her parents supported it with the biggest supporter being her dad. 

Cheyanne, on the other hand seems to have natural born confidence and she told me so. She battled some addiction issues in her late teens and early 20s but she was able to get past it and went to school to get her nursing degree. Where Casey can be semi-introverted, Cheyanne is extremely extroverted. She is the one that would run out into the living room nude when Casey has all the windows open which never phased Casey one bit it seems. There was also how Cheyanne would ask the Amazon Echo in the house some very strange questions with some of them being obscene. I still remember when she did that with my iPhone and I still think someone at Apple is probably looking at the data and wondering what the hell is wrong with me.  And then there's the night that I was staying over at Casey's and she walked into the guest room when I was asleep with two flashlights and yelled. "TRUCK!" Yeah, Casey did some crazy thing but not on the level of Cheyanne. 

She also was the first to realize the secret I'm hiding regarding Casey: my little crush on her. It was one night when I was in town and we went to a Lifehouse concert at The Fillmore Philly. She saw how Casey and I were joking with each other and Cheyanne swears I was flirting with her. Maybe I was but I didn't let anyone in on it until later that night when we went to a diner for late night burgers and Casey went to answer a phone call in private. 

Cheyanne looked at me and said, "Just admit it, you like my sister and not just as a friend." 

I told her if she wasn't dating that jackass filmmaker Jaden, I would go after her in a heartbeat. "Your sister has this allure that is all her own," I told her. "Okay, so she's not that drop dead gorgeous beauty but she's got this cute as a button, girl next door quality which is just as beautiful. Also, she's also smart, fun to be with, and she's got a very beautiful soul."

"I would tell Casey if I were you. Truth is I think Casey likes you WAY more than that budinski she's seeing now." Cheyanne would then lean over to me and let me in on a secret: "I think Jaden is cheating on her anyway. Don't ask me how I know but I just have that feeling." 

Truth is I do like Casey and I hate what this guy she's seeing is doing to her. It reminds me so much of what Monica put me through and it's really upsetting to see. I tell Casey all the time that she deserves better than Jaden. I knew he was a slime ball from the day I met him. Maybe someday I'll take Cheyanne's advice and tell her the truth. 

But for now, I just hope Casey can get to her sister and make her realize she needs to do something about that headache. 

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