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Music for this chapter: Somewhere In Between by Lifehouse 


The Toronto International Film Festival...never thought I'd see it. Natalie said I was going to do a Dior shoot before TIFF and then the rest of the time, I was just going to be working on videos for both Dior's digital campaigns and for a little indie project I was doing. 

I'm in the hotel looking at photos from the shoot. "Natalie's right, he does photograph well," I say as I sip a glass of wine. That's when Katie calls me via Skype.

"Hey, girl, how's life in Italy," I ask. Katie went to do a photoshoot for Italian Vogue and she says it's going well and then she asks me about working in Toronto.

"It's fun," I say. "We just wrapped up yet another Dior shoot and I've been working with their digital team on some video for the website. I also started that indie documentary I'm working on about TIFF."

"Must be nice to only work with one particular type, huh?"

"Well, he trusts my instincts and you know Dior ain't going to let him get away that quickly. I mean, come on, they know they have to keep him because who else do they have?" I  tease.  But we know Katie is right. I mean, the job has taken me all over and it's given me some really great opportunities to branch out.

I call my parents and they said that Cheyanne had a headache. I spent the next couple of days talking to her via text and then one day, she never replied to my text. That day I get a text from Shane, "Cheyanne's in the hospital." 

Wait...what? I call my dad and he tells me about how he took her to the hospital with a bad migraine but she left AMA (against medical advice). 

The next morning I meet with Rob for coffee and tell him about the phone call. "And she just left," he asks.

"Yeah. We know that she was never really one for going to the hospital but she pretty much left. The doctors were afraid it was a stroke but she was like, 'I'm fine.' I know she's not and it's freaking me out."

He then notices my phone on the table and slides it towards me. "Call your parents," he says. "It's the only way you'll find out what's going on." 

I dial my mom's number "Mom, how is she," I ask her. 

"Casey, I won't lie. It's bad. She lies in bed complaining of a headache and when she gets up, she's dizzy. Your dad and I are trying to get her to go back to the hospital but it ain't happening." 

I'm scared for my sister and worried for my parents. "Do you guys need me to come home," I ask.

"We know you have work so we'll be fine," my mom says. I then end the call telling her to call me if anything happens.

I get off the phone and put it on the table. "It's not good," I tell Rob.

"What's wrong?"

"Cheyanne won't go back to the hospital. She's in bad shape," I say. "She's complaining of the worst headaches ever. My mom says that I don't have to fly back to Philly but I'm worried."

"You need to fly back," he tells me. "It'll give you peace of mind and besides, you're done with the work you were doing here anyway and the festival is wrapping up tomorrow."

"And your film was already screened which is the reason why I hung around," I say.

"That settles it," he tells me. "You're going back to Philly and I'm going to make sure that you get there." He would book a flight out of Toronto to Philadelphia for me and makes sure I get to Toronto Pearson Airport in time. 

"Please let me know if you need anything," he tells me as the driver is taking my bags out of the car.  "I'll do that," I say. "Talk later?"

"I'm not shutting my phone off any time soon. I mean it, you call me anytime. I don't care if it's 3 me," he then puts a hand on my shoulder. "I mean it, Casey. If you need me, call me. You're not only my favorite photographer but you're my best friend and I am the type that will be supportive no matter what."

"Okay, I'll keep you on speed dial," I say as I hug him. I then make my way into the terminal to catch my Air Canada flight back to Philly. 

On the flight, I can't help but worry. I look at the lock screen on my phone which is a photo of me with both Cheyanne and Rob which we took when Cheyanne and I thought it would be fun to take Rob to Seaside Heights for his birthday. It was one of those cheesy photo booth things actually and all three of us have the same photo.

I try to distract myself by watching a movie on my laptop. I scroll through my iTunes list and I end up settling on Cosmopolis. It's okay actually but I'm bored and maybe it's just because of my close friendship with Rob but his movies are kinda like that grilled cheese and tomato soup you crave on a crappy day. The guy next to me looks over and asks me if the movie is any good and I tell him it is.

"Pretty good," I say. "I may be biased though because the star of the film is a good friend." 

We land in Philly and Shane picks me up at the airport. "I haven't heard much," he tells me as we drive up 95 towards home. 

We would get to my house and I would put my bags in the living room. I call my dad and tell him I flew home from Toronto a day early. "Casey, your mom and I said you didn't need to. We were going to keep you updated on your sister anyway."

"I know, Dad but Rob insisted. He even paid for my flight to Philly. Something about flying back would give me piece of mind."

"Okay," he tells me. "Come by tomorrow if you want. Maybe you can persuade your sister to get to the doctor."

"See you tomorrow," I say to him.

I then text Rob. "Hey, made it home. I'm going to go over to my parents' house tomorrow. I gotta get this girl to see a doctor. You know I've dealt with migraines so I know this is not something you monkey with."

"I know," he texts back. 

I then let him in on a bit of a unknown thing: "I'm scared because strokes do run in my family. I lost two relatives to one."

"Use that as a bargaining chip," he says to me. 

"I will." 

"Let me know if you need anything. I already cancelled my flight to Heathrow and I'll fly to Philly at a moment's notice if need be."

"Thanks. You're a great friend, you know that right?" 

I then go to put my phone on charge and that night I lie in bed and pray that my sister would be okay. What I didn't know was that tragedy would strike. 

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