Chapter 34 - Thinking...

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"hey G, we need a word" Matty said, walking into the kitchen.

"don't call me that! And ok"

we sat down with him at the table. This was the hard part, telling a lie. I was never very good at it, so thankfully Matty is. i just hope George doesn't hate us forever.

"so, we've been thinking... this apartment unfortunately isn't really... y'know... what we want" Matty started.
"yeah, the fact that it's a ground floor one, we don't really like. We feel a bit exposed"

"ok, so..." George tried to hurry us along.

"so, we've decided to move out and get a new one. Again"

"a better one" I chipped in.

"and sadly this one can't exactly fit three people in it" Matty avoided George's eye contact.

"so you're throwing me out?" George asked, a bit surprised.

"well, the rules in the new building are strict. So I don't think it's a good idea..." I said.

"where do I go then?!" George said, confused.

"well, last night we rung up your parents" Matty went on.

"oh god no" George put his head in his hands.

"no, its not a bad thing. We told them the situation, and they were a bit annoyed at first, but then they agreed you did the right thing"

George's dad was also once involved in police trouble, for robbing a gas station or something.

"so they'd be happy to have you there!" I smiled.

"yeah, and its in the countryside, away from all of the people that might snitch on you and recognize you" Matty also smiled.

"wow thanks guys" George hugged us.

"anything mate, and we'll skype I'm sure"

Everything got sorted out with George, and he was set to leave tomorrow morning. We decided to celebrate our last night with George, in a little 'party' with some drinks and nice food.

We had a really fun night with games and stuff, Matty was enjoying himself anyway.

I sat and watched those two goons dancing around and entertaining themselves. And it gave me time to think. A year ago, when I didn't want to go to that party. I would've never been here, I would have never met Matty, I would have never met George. Kate might not have been killed and George not in trouble, Matty might not have gone into hospital for overdose or a broken foot. It was then I realized how much I had actually impacted on Matty's life. I guess without me he'd have probably wasted all of his money on drugs, and have bee living with his mum for the rest of his life. And George, who knows. I have realized how Matty is my true love, and how we love each other very much. I have had new friends, like Adam, Ross, Kate and George. I started wearing a lot of different clothes, I have smoked and even smoked weed for the first times. In the past year, I have gained trust from my mum. Someone who hated me growing up and having a relationship, but now s totally fine with it. I showered with someone for the first time, and of course had sex for the first time. It seems like a whole lifetime of accomplishments have happened in one year. Which is crazy, and my whole life has been crazy. That's why I'm happy. I needed adventure and I needed that little bit of excitement. That's why every day I'm thankful for Matty and what he has put me through. Sure, some things might've been bad, but I enjoyed every single minute of it. And that's why I'm staying with Matty. There was a thousand times I could have walked, but I didn't. because I knew if I did, my life wouldn't be the same again.

I was interrupted in my daydream by Matty.

"hey babe, want to dance?" he held out his hand.

I smiled and let his skinny arm pull me up. I fell into his arms. He put his hands around my torso and I draped my arms around his neck, sending sparks through my body. Just like when we first met.

"I know I've said it a thousand times" he pulled me closer closing the gap between us.

"but I love you" he kissed me, the taste of red wine between our lips.

"get a room" George mumbled, flopping on the sofa. He obviously felt left out now.

Matty's eyes looked deep into mine again. Making me focus only on him, and nothing else.

"and I would want it any other way"

We stood and danced intimately for a while, to the relaxing music. I began to think again, this is the life I want to continue. I want to think about the future, mine and Matty's future. I want a house of our own, and maybe a dog. Oh, and of course think about getting married. I mean, I don't know yet, what the future holds for us. But I'm sure it'll be just how we want it. No other way.

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