Chapter 26 - Cameras

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So here it is. The day the police come back. Me, Matty and George have been restless all morning, wondering what they're going to say. I don't know we'll do if we're all guilty, I won't know how to deal with it.

"when do you think they'll come?" Matty asked.

"dunno, later probably" George said.

We all waited around aimlessly, for what felt like hours. I don't think ive ever been in a more tense situation.

A knock came from the door.

"George you answer"

poor George made his way over to the door, and put out his hand. He was trembling, and his hand turned the doorknob and it swung open.

"hello, may we come in?"

"yes sir" I said, as George was too scared to talk.

"right, so we've had a look at the security cameras outside. And unfortunately, the officials say your guilty"

"but how? How can you tell" I asked.

"your reactions when she waved to you in the car park. You all just shook your heads and rolled your eyes"

"but that could mean anything, not like we were planning something!" I tried to argue.

"well, also apparently thing young man" he pointed at George, "did look in the mirror before reversing. And officials say that you were checking she was there"

"no, I was checking she wasn't there" George snapped.

"well, I'm sorry. You have until tomorrow, then we'll have to take matters further. You'll have to come to the station"

"ok" we all said.

"thanks for your time" and then he left.

All three of us just sat there for about 10 minutes. We were just a bit shocked of the situation we were in.

"tea isn't going to make itself" I broke the silence, getting up and going into the kitchen. Matty followed.

"hey babe, are you ok?" he said, walking over and putting his hands on my hips.

"yeah, just a bit shocked that's all"

"same here. Also worried about tomorrow"

"what do you think they'll do with us?" I asked.

"not sure, but George will get the worst punishment" Matty kept his voice quiet.

"I'm just glad that we're alright"

"we'll get through this, don't worry" he kissed me.

"I hope so" I kissed him back.

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