Chapter 14 - Letter

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I woke up in Matty's bed. Last night was a blur, I had drank a lot of wine to take my mind off Matty. So I had no idea how I got here. As I tried to move, my legs were trapped. I turned over and saw Matty's face lying next to me. How does he look so peaceful?.

His eyes opened, and gazed into mine.

"sorry love" he mumbled, in a morning voice.

"lets just forget" I said, and snuggled back into his arms.

An hour later we woke up and showered together, then had breakfast.

"I cant believe we're going home already, it seems like only yesterday we got here" Matty said.

"yeah, Louis will have to come visit sometime. So that we can have a normal day out, without someone running away" I nudged him.

"Defiantly" he said.

We got packed up all ready to leave, and put our shoes on at the door.

"hope to see you soon, it was so nice you coming down here" Denise hugged us both.

"bye little bro" Matty hugged Louis.

We left their house at 10:30, and got a train at 11:15.

"its good to be home" Matty said, stepping off the train.

"even though it was a good trip" I replied.

We got a taxi from the station and arrived home in no time.

"time to get unpacked!" Matty said, unzipping his suitcase.

"wait, I have mail..." I trailed off.

"who from" Matty asked walking over.

"my mum" I said, opening the envelope.

Matty came over and looked over my shoulder. He must have saw me shaking, so he kissed my neck. I started reading it.

Hello Sophie,

I'm sorry we might have 'got off on the wrong foot' the other day. I shouldn't have acted the way I did but I guess I'm just not dealing with the fact that you are older now. Also say sorry to that boy Matty, incase I offended him at all. He just came across as a 'bad boy' and I don't want you getting into trouble. But please give me another chance? Its your life and you can live it how you want, I mean you don't even live at home. So I was thinking we could maybe get lunch or something? Bring Matty too, I would love to see you both. I have a new number, its on the paper attached. Lots Of Love, Mum xx

P.S, where were you this weekend?

"looks like an apology then" Matty broke the silence.

"and I guess I'll have to accept it" I said, putting her new number into my phone.

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