Chapter 22 - Hope

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"NOOOOO" I screamed in tears, falling to the floor.

"Sophie? What's wrong?!" a familiar voice ran up to me, and picked me up. It was George.

"Matty... he... I heard the beep..." I stuttered, finding it hard to speak.

George fell silent. His expression as if he were shell shocked.

"so... I guess that's it..." he gulped.

A doctor walked out of the room, a sad expression on his face.

"I'm afraid, its bad news... Matty has passed away"

I broke down in tears, George did too. The both of us holding on to each to each other.

"you can go and say your goodbyes. Make it quick" the doctor forced a smile. He patted George's back, then disappeared down the hall.

Trembling, I opened the door. I saw Matty's body lying there. It was white and lifeless. All of the equipment in the room was off, and everything was silent.

"Matty..." I couldn't find my words.

George just stood back, letting me say goodbye first.

"you mean a lot to me Matty. We may not have known each other for that long, but we lived together. I will never forgot everything you've done for me. The bad and the good. I will never forget you" I traced the outline of his chest tattoo.

"and remember how much I love you. I love you more than anyone" tears dripped of my face, and onto his arm. I held his hand.

"I'll always be here. I'll never forget you. I love you" I kissed his mouth one last time. Knowing it would be the last.

Then I sat there staring at him, face to face. Looking at his beautiful features. Wiping off every tear that fell onto his face.

I closed my eyes, never wanting to let go.

Just before I could open them, a familiar sound started. I opened my eyes. And looked at the screen

"George... THE BAR! THE BAR ITS MOVING" I pointed.

It has to be a miracle, he was alive. At least as far as I can tell he is.

"I CANT BELIEVE IT" George said, mouth gaping open in surprise.

"Get a doctor! Quick!" I smiled for once.

"Matty, darling, are you alive?" I turned to face him.

"as much as I'll ever be" he mouthed.

I couldn't help myself but throw my arms around him and give him the biggest hug I'd ever given to someone.

"I thought I'd lost you, you were dead for 10 minutes" I said.

"was I? it just felt like I was asleep" I cracked a little smile.

I laughed at give him a big kiss. George came back with the doctor.

"you're a lucky man Mr. Healy" the doctor said, slightly smiling.

"I don't even know what happened he just came back" I said, still in a state of shock.

"I'll get the paperwork, ill be back soon" the doctor left.
George gave Matty a big hug, and they sat talking. I couldn't stop thinking about what I had just witnessed. I was so lucky to have him back. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

"I love you forever" He said to me.

"please tell me I'm never going to lose you again"

"never" he kissed me really hard.

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