Chapter 23 - Out

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Matty has been in hospital for a few days now. They wanted him to stay for longer and monitor him, because of him 'coming back to life'.

But I was persuasive with the doctor, and they let me stay with Matty in hospital - like sleep over. So I wasn't alone in my apartment.

"do you think I'm going home today?" Matty asked the nurse.

"hopefully, if you keep better" she smiled.

George has also been in and out visiting. Without Kate though, and I'm starting to wonder if they are even in a relationship anymore.

A doctor walked in "that's it Matthew, you're free to go! Just take this medication every day for the next week, and you should be fine!" he said.

"oh my god thanks!" Matty's face lit up.

"I'll pack your bags" I laughed.

We arrived home later on, and Matty couldn't seem to stop smiling. As soon as we walked into the house, Matty flung himself onto the sofa.

"its so good to be back" he said.

"I'm glad you're back too" I said, putting away his suitcase.

"well, what do we do now?" he asked, lighting up a cigarette.

"we celebrate" I giggled, pulling a bottle of red wine out of my backpack.

"Sophie you're the best!" he said, pulling me in for a hug.

"and..." I said, putting on the DVD player.

"FROZEN!" Matty shouted, like a child.

I just laughed.

"can I tell you something" he said, getting closer to me.

"yeah, what?" I said, pouring wine down my throat.

"I like frozen" he said, smiling on the edge of laughter.

"Matty! Its like you're high, but you're not" I couldn't contain my laughter either.

"look I'm Elsa! LET IT GO LET IT GO" he started dancing around the living room, wine still clutched in his hand.

"I think that medication is sending you a bit crazy" I laughed.


We literally laughed all afternoon, it was great. But at about 7pm, we got a knock on the door.

"who is ittttt" Matty shouted.

"me, George" a voice came from the other side.

"come on in G, doors open!" Matty replied.

We were literally making our tea, Matty was shirtless and cooking the spaghetti. While I was sitting on the table in my pajamas, just looking at him.

"having fun here are we?" George said, coming in.

"yeah, we've had a great afternoon"

"well... I haven't..." George said, sitting down.

"why, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Kate, she's gone again. We're done."

"no! what happened?!" Matty asked, spilling pasta sauce on the countertop.

"well, this morning I woke up alone. She was gone. Left all of her stuff, and just went. I got a text later saying that we're over. And her recent pictures on instagram..." he showed us.

"she's with another guy! That cheater!" I said, shocked.

"you seem ok about it though, right" Matty asked.

"yeah, I'm pretty done with her now. She was always a bit weird. This is just the last of it, I've had enough. Stuff her" George said.

"aw, there's much better girls out there" me and Matty hugged him.

"yeah you're right"

the rest of the night was us just having more fun. It seemed like everything was ok. For now at least.

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