Chapter 16 - Help

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I woke up before Matty today, I guess he's tired after yesterday. I went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I walked over to the TV and put on Frozen, hopefully it'll cheer him up a little bit.

"hi morning" Matty said, walking into the kitchen.

"morning love" I give him a kiss.

"I see you put Frozen on" he gave a little smile.

We had breakfast, and I tried to make it a good one. He seemed to enjoy it which was the main thing.

"hey, I invited George over" I said, putting away the dishes.

"oh ok, better get ready then" Matty said lighting up a cigarette.

"hey that's not getting ready!" I pointed at him smoking.

"well, I'm waiting for you so we can shower together"

I smiled. Matty was defiantly feeling better today. And I'm glad to see that the overdose didn't effect him that much. Except from the dark circles around his eyes.

We got ready and waited around for George. I knew that somehow I needed to get George alone, so I could talk about the drug addiction. But how could I get him alone.

"Hello peoples!" George shouted, bursting in the door.

"hi George! Hi Kate!" I hugged them both, and Matty did the same.

"hey George, I need to talk to you, alone. Make up an excuse please?" I whispered in his ear quickly. Luckily no one saw.

He nodded and I went away to get drinks.

After an hour chatting, George turned to me.

"Hey Sophie! Remember what you were telling me about your mum working in a bakery? Well, as you know it's Kate's birthday soon and I want to make her a special cake" he put his arm around her.

"yeah so do you want a recipe?"

"that would be great, lets go into the kitchen" he said, getting up.

I never would have guess that George was a good actor.

"so, what do you want me for?" he asked.

"its about Matty, I'm worried" I said.

"oh no what is it"

"last night, I caught him doing coke" I said.

"I knew this time would come..." George mumbled.

"is it bad? I don't know everything about this shit, but I know that it can do stuff to you"

"well, this is what I warned you about. Matty has depression, clearly leaving his mum and brother again has caused him depression. And the solution to that was the coke" George said.

"so he does this often?" I said.

"yeah, when something really bothers him. Like a breakup, or missing family. He'll do it. And the worst thing is, its always an overdose"

"can he be stopped?" I asked, my head starting to hurt.

"that's a big task. That only you can take on" George said. And with that, he got up and left the kitchen.

He left me sort of in a trance. I need to stop Matty, he has a really bad problem that I need to fix. Unless I lose him. And just the thought of losing him is horrible.

My mind then focused on another thing. The stuff that I had poured down the sink, 'wasted' it is. I knew it was the right thing to do, but I should of just threw money down the sink. Since I knew that's why Matty kept my purse. Damn I'm such an idiot.

Later that evening, I made a chart. I drew it out myself, and bluetacked it onto the kitchen wall. It had the days of the week along the top, and went on for about 8 weeks down the side. This was a chart so Matty could put a number in the box every morning, 1 to 5. 1 being least depressed and not likely to overdose. 5 being very depressed and craving drugs.

I told him about the chart and we sat down.

"on the days that you have a big number like 4 or 5, we'll go out and do something to take your mind off it" I said.

"your ideas are so good, you're full of great ideas" he kissed me.

"well, I'm only doing this to help you. I'm doing anything I can"

"you could have left me by now, even at the thought of drugs. But no, you stay, unlike the rest of my girlfriends. This is normally when they leave. But you stay. That's why I love you, and what you're doing for me" he said.

I felt the tears filling up my eyes, that is the most beautiful thing someone has said to me. I hugged him very tight, never letting go.

"I love you too"

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