Chapter 27 - Go

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We all woke up and stayed quiet. What was happening today was unclear, and at was clear that we were all thinking about it.

"well, I guess we'll get ready, then head down to the station" Matty said.

"yup" I said, going into the bathroom.

George stopped us when we came out of the bathroom.

"guys, pack up your cases. Fill them with EVERYTHING you own, even some furniture you want to keep" he said.

"wait wh-"

"just do it" George said sternly, then he ran out of the door.

Me and Matty packed our cases, I jammed all of my clothes in it, photos, and a couple of ornaments that were pretty. Matty did the same, and he even had room for a couple of wine bottles.

"ok George we have" me and Matty walked into the living room.

"great, here" George handed us two train tickets.

"you went to the station?!" Matty said, shocked at the tickets.

"yup, and you two are going" he said, pushing us towards the door.

"but wait, the police want us"

"no, they want all of us because nobody owned up. I'll hand myself in, what do I have to live for out here" George said, handing us our shoes.

"they might still want all of us though" Matty hugged him.

"that's why you two are going. Go, get a nice flat in London. You wont have to worry there"

"but, George.... We'll never see you again" Matty said, his eyes filling up.

"yeah you will, I'll come visit when I can. We'll stay in touch"

Matty and George stood there hugging, so I called a taxi.

"bye George. I really hope we see you soon" I said, giving him a hug too.

"be safe you too. Love you!" he shouted to us, as we left the apartment.

Me and Matty headed out, and the taxi pulled up. Matty loaded our stuff into the boot, and we told the man to go to the station.

"wait, that car, isn't it your mums?" Matty said, pointing at a car that pulled up as we left.

"oh damn it is! I forgot that I called her a few days ago. And I told her to come on Thursday!" I panicked.

"its fine, im sure George will sort her out" Matty reassured me.


George was packing up all of his stuff, to leave and return to his own apartment since Sophie and Matty were gone. He decided to have a cup of tea before he left, he put on the TV.

"hello! Sophie! It's your mum" a voice called from the door, but George didn't hear it. So Sophie's mum came in anyway.

"who the hell are you?!"

"oh, sorry miss. I'm George, can I help you?"

"yes im here for Sophie, but I must have the wrong apartment"

"no no no im Sophie's friend George. See theres a long story..." george went on.

After telling Sophie's mum everything that had been happening in the last few days, she totally understood.

"so where is my daughter going now?!"
"London, with Matty, theyre going to stay with his mum down there. Until they can get an apartment of their own" George explained.

"ok, so they don't want this one anymore?"

"no, my apartment is over there, so I'm not living here either"

"ok I'll get onto the estate agent, get in touch with Sophie, and good luck to you George" she said, heading for the door.

"goodbye" George said.

"bye, good luck with the police!" Sophie's mum shouted back.

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