Chapter 9 - Plans

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When we'd finished breakfast this morning I went to join Matty on the balcony for a cigarette.

"hey wait, who's this walking towards out building?" Matty pointed.

It was George, and guess who he had his arm around? Kate.

"they're back together aw"

"your plan worked then" Matty giggled.

"Matty hello! Thank you very much mate, now I'm happy again" George stopped and shouted up at us.

"no problem, anything for you haha" Matty replied.

We watched them walk off into the distance.

"I'm glad he's happy again, he's my best friend and I hated seeing him how he was" Matty said.

"yeah me too-" I was cut off by Matty's ringing.

"I'll get it... oh its my mum!" he shouted, and then picked up.

Matty put it on loudspeaker so I heard the phone conversation.

"hello Matty, its so nice to talk to you! It feels like ages!"

"I know, how are you doing?"

"good, I'm free this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to come down to London and meet up?"

"yeah! That would be great! I cant wait to see you and Louis again!"

"we cant wait to see you"

"oh wait! Before I go, can my girlfriend Sophie come? I would hate to leave her alone up here"

"yeah sure, bring her down itl'l1 be nice!"

"ok bye"


Matty came off the phone and joined me on the balcony again.

"looks like we're going to London" He said, smiling.

"I'm so excited to finally meet your mum! She seems so nice"

"she is, and I'm sure she'll love you" he laughed.

We headed around Georges house, to tell him the news. When we got there, for some reason his door was locked.

"good job I have a key, its nearly always open" Matty said, fiddling with the lock.

"George! Hello its us!" I shouted, but no reply.

Matty walked over to Georges bedroom door and opened it slowly.

"AHH" Matty backed away quickly and fell on the sofa.

"WHAT THE HELL MAN" George shouted pulling on his clothes.

"YEAH YOU BURST IN ON US" Kate shouted, pulling her clothes on too.

"well, we just came over to tell you something, we didn't expect you two to be having sex did we?" I said.

"sorry I didn't realize.. I just thought you would be in bed" Matty apologized.

"its fine, we just got a shock y'know" George laughed, finding the situation funny now.

We all got a cup of tea and sat down.

"so, my mum called, and she wants us to go down this weekend" Matty said.

"cool, is Sophie going too?" George asked.

"yes she is" Matty put his arm around me. Causing George to put his arm around Kate. I don't know what it is about Kate, she never talks much.

"so, I guess we'll see you on monday" George said, then he hugged us both.

"bye!" me and Matty shouted as we walked back down the hall.

"I guess we better start packing?" Matty said, walking into our bedroom.

"yup, here's your case" I said, pulling it out from under the bed.

Within about 10 minutes he was finished packing.

"really are you done?!" I asked.

"I don't have many things I need to take" he laughed, rolling his case towards the door.

"I guess we're done then" I said, putting the tv on.
"yeah, our train is at 9 tomorrow morning"

"cool, what do you want to watch?"
"put anything on, I dunno"

I smirked and popped Frozen into the DVD player.

"I love you" he said, hugging me.

I giggled and lay in his arms.

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