Chapter 8 - Hole In My Heart

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I haven't spoken to my mum since yesterday, I mean I haven't even texted her. She just had such a negative attitude to the way I wanted to live and about Matty, it just upset me. I don't even live at home anymore so what's it to her? She's pathetic.

"I think we're going over to see George today" Matty said, putting off the tv.

"oh ok, I'll go and get ready" I picked out my clothes and got changed.

We went over to George's place for about lunch time, so I hope he has something to eat.

"hello mate!" Matty said, walking in the door.

"hi George" I said.

"hi you two.." he mumbled.

"hey man what's wrong?" Matty went over and put his arm around George.

"Kate, she... she left me" I could tell he was getting upset.

"aw man I'm so sorry" Matty tied to comfort him.

"aw George you'll be fine, she's stupid for leaving a nice person like you" I said.

"now come on, forget that bitch. Lets go out somewhere" Matty said, trying to get George up off the sofa.

"ok... I'll go get ready" George said, walking slowly into his bedroom.

I could see that the bin was full of tissues, poor man must have been crying. I feel so sorry for George he was happy with Kate and she had to be an idiot and leave him.

"ah there he is!" Matty went over and put his arm around George, bringing him out the door.

"yeah, today is all about you. We are going to have fun, and do whatever you want" I said, as we walked out onto the streets.

We got a starbucks and went into the park since it was another nice day.

"here, so how are you feeling now?" Matty asked.

"I feel like there's a hole in my heart" George replied.

"aw, you're really upset aren't you. Come on we can fix this, you'll be fine in no time" Matty said.

Thing is I don't know how we can fix it, George must have been hurt pretty hard by Kate and he's very upset. I feel like nothing is going to cheer him up.

"listen, what do you want? We'll do anything if it'll make you happy" Matty tried to comfort him.
"I don't know" George said, rubbing his eyes. It was then I noticed the big dark circles around them, he mustn't have gotten any sleep.

"how about we just head back, you look like you need a rest" I said, standing up.

"ok... wait... I know what I want... I want Kate back"

Me and Matty dropped George off at his apartment, and made sure that he was going to rest. Then we just sat in the car, wondering what to do.

"I have Kate's number" Matty spoke up.

"oh yes! Maybe you could ring her and tell her about how distraught he is, then she could maybe like him again?" I said.

"good idea! You always have the good ideas!" Matty said, pulling out his phone and finding her number.

Reluctantly, she picked up.

"hi, Kate, so its Matty"

"I did see your name pop up you know" she said sternly.

"well ok, but I need to talk... its about George"

"ugh, what about him" she groaned.

"ever since you left, he's been a wreck. He wont cheer up, he's been through a full box of tissues. and when we asked him what he wanted, he said you" Matty said.

"I..." she stuttered.

Then she hung up.

"do you think it worked?" I asked.

"well, I don't know. Her reaction wasn't negative I guess"

"I'm so glad we're together" I kissed him.

"me too" he kissed me back.

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