Chapter 5 - High

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Matty moved in today, it didn't really take long - he doesn't have many things to move.

He was unpacking clothes in the bedroom, and I started laughing.

"what, why are you laughing?" Matty smiled.

"because, look in your case, it just all black and white" I pointed.

"well yes, except this floral shirt" he held it up.

"ooo that's pretty" I said, hanging it in the wardrobe.

Later on Matty found out that I had a balcony, and we ended up sitting out because it was a nice day.

"listen, I hope this isn't all happening too fast" Matty said, putting his hand onto mine.

"no not at all, we love each other and that's all that matters right?"

"its just I want to make sure that you know I'm not pressuring you into anything ok?" he said, looking right at me.

"of course not, we're happy and nobody can stop us" I smiled.

He smiled back and lit up a cigarette.

"so hey there's this party tonight... well not much of a party, more like friends hanging out. It'll be me, George, George's girlfriend, Adam and Ross. You in?" he asked.

"totally, why wouldn't I?"
"just, some of our parties are a bit mental" he laughed.

"oh what could go wrong"

At 8pm I got ready - Matty said to dress casual, So I was wearing black skinny jeans and one of Matty's t - shirts.

"ready to go?" Matty called from the living room.

"yeah one sec" I came out of the bathroom and he started smiling at me.

"what, is it a bad choice?" I asked.

"no.. just you look beautiful in one of my shirts"

I laughed and kissed him, then I pulled on my shoes.

We arrived at George's place and all of Matty's friends were just sitting around on the sofas. It didn't look much of a party at all haha.

"ugh I hate being late" Matty said, walking towards the others.

"finally here are we" George laughed.

"and this must be Sophie? I'm Adam, nice to meet you" he smiled.

"And I'm Ross, nice to meet you too" Another man smiled.

"hi" I laughed.

"hey Sophie, you want any wine?" Matty asked from the kitchen.

"oh ok then" I gave in. I'm not much of a drinker, but since it's Matty's friends I don't wan to be the one without an alcoholic drink.

We sat down and started chatting, most of it was about nonsense, because we were a bit drunk.

"G, do you have the stuff?" Matty said to George, but I heard.

"oh, yeah in the kitchen. But are you sure? Now?" George asked.

"yeah man it'll be fine" Matty said jumping up and stumbling into the kitchen. I knew what he was getting.

He came back with what looked like a bag of weed. He took a big gulp from his bottle of wine, then plonked back down next to me.

"you want any?" Matty said, holding the bag up.

"I dunno, maybe."

"hey you can have it first" he said. I was a little confused, I didn't know how this stuff worked.

Then I soon found out when George had rolled up the joint. He passed it to Matty, then Matty placed it in my fingers.

"if you don't want to, you don't have to. But its your first time and I want you to have it first. I'm not pressuring you" he waited for my answer.

"what are you waiting for!" I blurted out, putting the thing between my lips. Matty lit it for me, and I inhaled. Damn it felt great. And I suddenly felt... high.

"you were good, nearly expert, for your first time" Matty smiled.

I passed it on, and soon it had been around the circle. All of us were now high and drunk. I'd never ever in my life felt like this before, and the feeling was like no other.

Me and Matty stuttered into my apartment at about midnight, and we went straight to bed.

"I loveyou" Matty said, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"I loveyoutoo" I said, kissing his cheek.

Then we slowly drifted off to sleep.

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