Chapter 29 - Mum Meets Mum

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I woke up and I had an email from my mum. It read:

Hello sweetheart. I came to your house yesterday but you weren't there! Turns out I found a boy on your sofa called George, and he told me the whole story. I'm hoping you're ok and in London right now with Matty's mum like he said. I understand you have been a bit stressed these few days, and you deserve to be in the city. Anyways, I thought since I didn't see you yesterday, I would see you today. So surprise I'm coming on the train to London! I'll text you when I'm there, and hopefully you'll give me the address! See you soon, Love Mum x.

"MATTY!" I shouted, as he was in the bathroom.

"what!" he burst out the bathroom, not realizing he had no pants on.

"erm" I pointed, but he didn't bother to cover it up.

"you've seen me naked so many times Sophie I don't think you care anyways" he laughed.

"true" I laughed too.

"anyways, what did you want" he asked.

"my mum is coming to London! And she's on the train now! So hurry!" I said, sending him back in the bathroom.

He was so adorable and funny though.

We got ready and sat downstairs on the sofa. My mum had text me and I sent her the address.

"I'm going out now mum, to my friends' house" Louis said, putting on his shoes.

"ok, but be back for lunch" Denise replied.

We waited for a long time, before my mum showed up. She must have gotten lost. There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" Denise shouted.

"hello! Oh my god you're Denise Welch?! You must be Matty's mum, I'm Sophie's mum. Nice to meet you!" I heard my mums voice.

"fan of my mum?" Matty asked.

"yeah I think" I laughed.

"Sophie!" my mum saw me and came over. She gave me a big hug.

"mum, it seems like forever since we've seen each other" I said.

We all sat and chatted about loads of things, for ages.

"and this, is Louis" Denise said, just as Louis walked in the door.

"hi" he said, before vanishing up into his room.

My mum stayed in the guest bedroom tonight, since she had never booked a hotel. And I think she was quite uncomfortable with me and Matty kissing and stuff in front of her.

"so Matty, I guess you like your wine" my mum said.

"love" he said, tipping the bottle up to his mouth.

"I thought you loved me" I said, jokingly.

"I do"

"do you love me more than wine though" I smirked.

"oh dear that's a hard one..."

"Matty!" I nudged him.

"just kidding of course I love you more than wine!" he kissed me.

I saw my mum turn her head away. So I continued to kiss him, harder.

"calm it down a bit you two" Denise said, walking into the room.

"thanks" my mum said.

We had a fun night with our two mums, and I think they get on just fine. Which I'm glad about. Its like we're all one big family.

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