Chapter 11 - Denise

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We walked up the driveway of what was Matty's mums house. Matty knocked on the door, I could tell he was nervous so I held onto his hand.

I mean he hadn't seen his mum for at least a year, if not more.

Just about as I was going to say something a smiling lady opened the door.

"Matty you're home!" she pulled him away from me, and into a giant hug.

"hi mum" Matty was smiling. A lot.

"Louis! Your brothers home!" she shouted.

"Matty!" a boy, who looked similar to Matty but a lot younger, came running down the stairs and practically flung himself at Matty.

"oh man its so good to see you, I've missed you a lot"

"and who's this?" Matty's mum asked.

"my girlfriend, Sophie" Matty put his arm around my shoulder.

"hi, its so nice to finally meet you" I smiled.

"well I'm Denise, his mum, and this one is Louis, his brother"

"hi" Louis said shyly.

We went in and sat down, Denise poured us a cup of tea.

"so how've you been doing"

"nothing much really, working on my music with the lads. And of course spending time with this one" Matty nudged me, and I giggled.

"well, we haven't been up to much either. Louis got into acting, he's in a couple of shows too"

"aw that's awesome dude!" Matty high fived him.

"and how about Sophie here? What are you up to?"

"nothing at all... until I met Matty... but we haven't really been doing much" I said.

We sat talking for most of the day, and before we knew it, it was getting late.

"what do you guys want to drink" Louis shouted from the kitchen.

"you know" Matty smiled at him.

Louis came back in with a bottle of red wine.

"thanks" Matty said, unscrewing the top.

I think he was totally aware that I had no drink.

"here" Matty passed me the bottle. I tipped it up into my mouth and let the wine slip down my throat.

"we have a long night ahead of us" I said, resting my head on Matty's lap.

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