Louis Isnt Afraid of Anything, Not Even Catching the Flu

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You woke up  suddenly. When you had fallen back asleep it was still dark out. Now, light was seeping in through your curtains. You had been having the most bizarre dream. You had started off a horse and ended up as a deer. You shook your head, attempting to shake away the drowsiness.

You jumped as a ping sounded from your window. When the sound came back again you realized that that must've been what woke you up. It continued steadily, and so you used all of the energy you had to lift yourself up off your bed and make your way to the window.

Upon opening your curtains, you realized that it was Louis. Of course it was. You guys were practically inseparable. You smiled to yourself and let him in. Your parents weren't even home, and so you could've called out to him, but you were afraid to speak just yet. Your throat was sore, and you knew that yesterday you barely had a voice.

You had been extremely sick with some kind of flu. So, your parents had put you on bed rest, hence why Louis was trying to come in through the window. You weren't allowed to hangout with anyone. Your phone was taken away, and you couldn't watch TV. It was like you were being punished for falling ill.

"Oh!" he said. He smoothed out his shirt and came over to the window and climbed in. "You really are sick."

You turned away and walked towards the bed, a little embarrassed. Was that code for 'you look like shit?' The interactions between you two felt so different lately.

"You really shouldn't have come over," you explained. "I feel awful and won't be any fun."

Louis shrugged and sat down on the bed next to you. "You don't need to be fun, you just need to be you."
Butterflies erupted in your stomach. You were head over heels for Louis, and everyone seemed to know it, except Louis.
"I'm serious," you continued. "I haven't even brushed my hair."

Louis looked at it as if he hadn't noticed before. He shrugged. "I haven't washed mine in 3 days. Besides, you look pretty when it's all curly like that."

You laughed softly, ignoring the last comment. "You're gross," you managed between a fit of coughs.

"You're shivering," he noticed. "Want me to go get you another blanket?"

You nodded. Normally you would've just gotten up and got it yourself, but you were so exhausted. It became harder and harder to keep your eyes open by the second. "Can I check my Snapchat on your phone?" You asked as he made his way back from your closet.

"Oh right, your parents are nazis. Forgot about that," he laughed as he spread the blanket over you. You rolled your eyes as he handed you his unlocked phone, which was still on the home screen. Your stomach warmed as you realized how much he trusted you. You logged out of his Snapchat and into yours, yawns forcing their way out of your mouth. You did do streaks, and so most of the snaps you got were from that. Another one of your friends was keeping them, but she didn't open any messages just in case it was important. You had posted that you wouldn't be on your phone for a while, but still, some people had texted you. One second you were responding to them, and the next your eyes flew open again. Louis's phone was still in your hand, and so you checked the time. You had been asleep for a whole hour. It could've been worse, though.

You rolled over and saw that he wasn't there. You sat up and shed the layers of blankets that were on you and groggily made your way down the hall. You passed the bathroom, and the door was open with no one in. When you made your way to the living room, though, you spotted him on the couch, making himself at home and watching TV.

"You look like you're going to pass out," he laughed.
You stretched and sat down next to him, too exhausted to tease him back.
"Your sister found me in your room," he explained. "I wish you would've told me that I could've just knocked on the front door."
You smiled, although it was weak. Louis gently guided your head on to his shoulder. "You're burning up," he whispered. "You can go back to sleep."

You closed your eyes, letting his body heat warm you. You were so grateful to have a best friend like him.

A/n: If you're confused, basically Louis is your best friend and you like eachother!!

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