Louis Wants To Kiss You

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AN: Warning for adult themes! Theres no actual smut in this, but it does mention you having sex, so if you're under 16 and therefore it would be  inappropriate for you to be in this situation I'd recommend skipping! Again, doesn't describe any of it so if you're 16+  you should be fine!

This one is a non request because I basically had this scene in my head for like a week before finally writing it down and wanted to upload it asap!

You and Louis had been sleeping together the whole summer. It was practically a daily occurrence. You had known him since middle school, and been in the same friend group since your freshman year of highschool, but you guys had not really talked that much before this year. In fact, he mostly ignored you. Sure, he talked to you in group settings, but he was mostly quiet around you, opting to pay attention to every other girl instead.

One June day after school got out he started flirting with you when you and your friend group were out bowling. You hadn't necessarily had a crush on him before, but it was no secret that he was incredibly attractive, so you flirted back.

Now you were in his bed. It was September, and so you had left the house in a crewneck. You were regretting that decision at that moment, although you liked how cozy you felt. He was propped up on one elbow and looking at you. You were on your back laughing at something he had said. It was so easy with you two. You guys normally didn't talk for long before you started, and you usually left pretty quickly after, but it was never awkward during the filler moments. Louis went in to kiss you in an attempt to get things moving, and you shifted so that he kissed your neck, your head touching the side of the wall. You had somehow managed to kiss him as minimally as possible over the past few month. He had probably kissed so many people and felt nothing. You knew that if you kept these meetings up you'd fall in love, but you didn't exactly have the willpower to cut him off completely. So you just suffered instead and let him kiss you anywhere but on the lips.

Louis pulled away and searched your face, but didn't seem to find a clear answer. "Why don't you want to kiss me all of a sudden?"
You shrugged, not wanting to share. What would he say if he found out how you felt? You were 99% sure that he had only even started talking to you because he was bored. This was awful.

Louis noticed your expression. "Hey, did I do something wrong?"  He paused, and then removed his hand from your side. "Did you not want this?..."
You shook your head, feeling slightly bad. You didn't mean to make him feel like he had done something predatory. You had completely consented. "I just think I like you too much."
Louis laughed, but once he saw that you were serious his smile quickly faded.  He was your best friend and you couldn't stand to think about this ending poorly. "What do you even mean you like me too much?" He looked like his head was starting to hurt. You could tell that he was trying to be patient with you, though. Still, the last thing he needed was one of his girlfriends making him late to see another girl, you thought crudely to yourself. "I'm falling for you, and I'm not supposed to," you told him. You glanced at him, and he seemed to be thinking carefully of what to say next. Finally he smiled and scooted closer to you, causing your heart rate to quicken.

"What's so wrong with falling in love with me?" Louis asked, staring into your eyes. You looked away, your stomach erupting with butterflies. That's exactly what was wrong with it.
"You probably have like 20 other girls in this exact same position right now," you mumbled.
"Actually it's only 15," he laughed, but he quickly back tracked when you didn't join. "I'm joking. You really think that of me?"
Your face flushed. You shrugged. Now you had offended him.

Louis put his hand back on your side again, and that spot began to tingle as he tapped his fingers. "I was seeing a lot of people when we first started." He was looking at you thoughtfully. "But I cut them off."

You scoffed, starting to feel a little annoyed. Why was he lying to you? "I saw you flirting with Talia the other day."
Louis raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you seeing Jared?" He had a point. It didn't feel like the same thing though. Louis paused, and his face went red as he started to speak again. "Besides, ever since that Fourth of July party you're the only person..." he trailed off, and you gained a little confidence again.

Now it was his turn to avoid eye contact. "I realized..." Louis paused again. He took a deep breath. "I realized that I didn't want to be like that anymore." He was playing with your hair now. "I like you." he mumbled.
You rolled your eyes, basking in the shift of power. "What was that?" you teased. "I don't think I heard you." For a second you worried that you were being too pushy.
He scooted in closer, and you could feel his breath fanning your ear as he whispered in it. "I said I like you."
You shivered, and he trailed kisses down your neck and then pecked your lips. "I really like you." he said louder now. You smiled.

"One more time."
He laughed and kissed you. "I liked you as soon as I got to know you through Ros. But I was so shy."
That felt like ages ago. Your mutual friend had introduced you to each other in the 7th grade. You couldn't believe that he had been shy. You hadn't even considered interpreting it that way. Based off of how he acted around others you didn't think that he could get like that. All those months of Louis barely speaking to you had made you think that he thought you were boring and uninteresting.
Louis continued. "I like everything about you. I even love the way your hair sticks up after you've had a nap." Seeing that you liked what you were hearing, he went on.  "You're my favorite person, y/n. Being with you made me realize that none of them even mattered. I wish I could be with you all the time."

You froze, surprised at the intensity he was displaying. Not noticing, he continued. "I love you."
Louis finally saw the look on your face and quickly attempted to undo what he had said. "I didn't mean it."
You frowned.
"I mean, I did, but it's okay if you don't love me. I think I annoyed you but-"

You kissed him quickly and pulled away, but then quickly went in for another one, relaxing into his arms. You could stay like this for hours, you thought to yourself, and you guys did until you had to leave. It was the first time you hung out with him 1:1 without taking your clothes off, save for the part where the sunlight streaming through his window prompted him to take his sweatshirt off and reveal the shirt he had on under. It was one of your favorite memories of you guys together, you decided. You would never forget that day.

My wifi is down today so if you post a request today and I don't see it that's why! I have some requests I'm already doing next anyways but I'll look at yours asap if you leave one!

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