Louis is a Bad Coworker

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This one is a really long one! It's kind of like Louis is a Bad Prince in the sense that it covers a long time span and has different sections with different times. I think that you guys will like this one!

End of June 🥤

"Hey, are you y/n?"
You put a bookmark between the pages you were reading and smiled. You worked at a small bookstore, and during slow hours if there was nothing to do you got to pick up where you last left off.

"Yeah! What can I help you with today?" You saw that this wasn't how your average customer looked. This guy had more of a preppy vibe. You figured that he was either a casual reader or getting something for a girlfriend.

"I'm the new employee," the guy explained. "Denise said that you would be training me?"
She did not, but you knew that your manager, Denise, could be scattered. You would've loved to know that you were going to have a British coworker, though. She knew that you had always wanted to live in London.
"Right. What's your name again?"

"Well Louis, follow me."

You took him to the back of the store where boxes were piled up. There was a garage door at the far end. You pointed to it. "If you ever open, you have to unload the boxes from the truck that comes in. If you close, then that's when you put out the newly ordered books on the shelves, if there are any, and change display cases."

Louis nodded.

"There's really not much to this job," you told him. "You have to keep the seating, checkout, and book shelf areas organized but that's about it."

You showed him where everything else was, with the occasional interruption by a customer. It was a Friday evening, and that's when the bookstore was the slowest.

"That's the cafe," you said at one point. "If they tell you to clean something over there, don't do it."

Louis laughed politely at this.

You got him an apron and showed him how to check people out, which went really well, despite him being easily confused. He was very charismatic, and the customers seemed to love his sense of humor. He got there at 4, and by 6 you were done showing him how to do everything. Shortly after it started to pick back up, and so you didn't have much time to talk to him outside of answering his questions before he left at 8.

The next day you opened, and so you had to be there at 7. He came in at 11, and your coworker, Tilly, came in at noon. A final coworker for the book section came in at 2. Her name was Daniella and she had short, dark, wavy hair.  There was a cafe in the bookstore, so people came in a lot around lunch. You ended up helping people find books nonstop while Louis and Tilly checked people out.

They seemed like a good duo. Tilly, like everyone else that chooses to work at a bookstore, was a bit more edgy than Louis, but they seemed to be laughing a lot together. You found that Louis got along really well with Daniella, too.

Around 3 it slowed down enough for you guys to put books back, and you talked to Louis as you did so.

"What do you think about the biblical reading of Lord of the Flies?" You asked him. This was standard book store small talk, obviously.
"I don't really like to read," Louis responded as he put a book from the cart you two were sharing away. "It's kind of boring."
You looked at him in shock. "You don't like to read?"
He shook his head. "Would rather die."
"But you haven't even considered the biblical connotations of Lord of the Flies?" It was your favorite.
He shook his head again, facing you now. "Nope."
"That's a shame. It's one of the easiest readings. There's a biblical allusion right in the title."
Louis's eyebrows shot up. "You think book annotations are easy?"
You squinted at him. "How'd you get this job?"

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