Louis Thinks You Like Him

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If you're wondering where the last thing I uploaded is, I moved it up since I order the chapters by number of votes now! It's called Louis Is A Bad Prince and I'm making a part two! I'm just trying to make it not suck lol.

Also, this oneshot once again includes a scenario where you're sexually active, so if you're under 16 and shouldn't be being influenced by ideas on the internet of what that activity should look like, then I suggest you skip! Doesn't even describe any of it though, so if you're 16+ you should be good!

It was a Saturday afternoon, and you and Louis were at his house watching a movie in the living room. His sister, Millie, was at a friend's house and his parents were at work, so you guys had the place all to yourself.

Which didn't always mean what one would think, besides the fact that you guys were technically friends with benefits. Half of the time you guys just hung out and did nothing. You had been just friends at one point, after all.

You had known each other for a year before you had hooked up for the first time at a party. It was nothing serious. You guys had gone together and somehow ended up making out at one point after being dared. This turned into a thing you did at parties for some reason, and then eventually things escalated, but  neither of you had feelings for the other at the time.

Now you watched Louis as he watched the screen. He laughed at something, and you found yourself smiling too, although you had no idea what had just been said.

He glanced at you. "You better not fall for me," he reminded you.
You forced a smile response. Louis always said this to you because the day after the first time you guys slept together you had said that to him. Now he taunted you by insisting you liked him as a joke. At first you thought it was hilarious. Now it hit too close to home.

"You wish I was staring at you. You have popcorn grease on the side of your mouth," you informed him. You pretended to wipe grease off and then onto your pants.

You went back to watching the movie, and in it a kid was relaying something inappropriate that their parents had said.

"I used to be so proud of myself when I learned new words," Louis said. "And one time my mom cursed in front of me when I was like 5, so the next day I went up to her friend and just randomly said fuck to try and impress her."

You could just picture baby Louis being all excited to relay something he had learned. "Awww," you cooed. "I love hearing stories from your childhood."

Louis eyed you. "I really am starting to think that you seriously do like me."

"No." Was all you could say. You looked back at the screen, starting to sweat a little now. You attempted to pay attention, but he was still looking at you.

"I was just kidding when I said not to fall for me earlier," he said after a moment of silence. "Fall for me all you want."

And you did, and slowly but surely he fell back.


Don't forget to leave requests on the request chapter if you have any!

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