Louis Makes a Confession

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Louis entered his room and made a beeline for the closet. "Hey," he said without turning around.

You mumbled a "hi," in response, your arms crossed. You had waited at his house for three hours for him, and he had said that he'd be home in one. Still, you couldn't help but to check him out. He rarely wore sweats anymore since he was always either in jeans for school or a soccer uniform nowadays, but when he did he was like eye candy to you. He looked so good in sweatpants. They seemed to accentuate his long legs. Sweatshirts looked good on him, too; they hung loosely to his body, making him look so warm and comfy. His neck was glistening with sweat, so you knew that he must've ridden his bike to and from his house today. When you got to his face you saw that his eyes were on you, his mouth in a wide shit eating grin.

"You were just checking me out."
Your face grew hot. You had known him for a while, so this wasn't the first time he had caught you doing that. Each time it felt more and more embarrassing, but he never commented on it before now.

People suspected that you liked Louis. He was your best friend, and you can never be best friends with an attractive person without people thinking there's something goin on. You two never really had discussed the rumors in depth before. Louis would occasionally laugh about it, insisting that you were practically emotionless. It was true that you rarely crushed on people, and when you did, it made you really uncomfortable to talk about. So, you would agree with him, adding that you were especially immune to his charms.

"No I wasn't," you stuttered. You looked down at your phone. There was no one you wanted to text back, but you needed to keep busy to avoid his gaze. You opened up Instagram.

Louis laughed wilder and plopped down on the bed next to you. His eyes studied your face.
"Stop staring at me, weirdo." You still didn't look up as you lazily flicked through your feed.
"Admit it, you do see my appeal."
You rolled your eyes. "Appeal is a big word for you." You knew that he was just teasing you, as he liked to push buttons, but your face grew hotter every time he spoke on the subject, and you couldn't help but to shift uncomfortably.

"Holy shit!" he clapped. "You do fancy me! You never like anyone and you totally fancy me."
You decided to play it a little smoother this time, seeing that denial wasn't working in your favor. "First of all, no one says fancy here," you laughed, your American ways still sticking no matter how much time you spent with him. "Second of all, like, everyone does like you."
Louis stared at you in amusement and then burst out into laughter again. "You're joking," he pressed.
You shrugged and went over to where you had set your backpack down. "We should get started on our portion of the project."

"Don't you wanna know what I think about this?"
Your face began to glisten from the constant rise in temperature.
"I know what you think about it, and it's really not that funny."
Louis's face sobered up, and you spoke before he could comment. "We need to get started. You're two hours late."

Louis ignored the last part. "I just didn't know you felt that way."
"Great," you said, a little exasperated. "Now stop trying to get me to inflate your ego and help me make the meiosis poster."

"I think you're cute, too."
You rolled your eyes. "You're having too much fun with this."
"I'm serious," he insisted. "Some of the time I do, anyways."
"Shut up," you demanded as you reached into your backpack. You pulled out the poster and dumped the markers you had brought onto the bed.

"Literally when I first met you I was flirting with you."
You stopped in your tracks, your eyes squinting. You had met him for the first time in gym class in middle school. Apparently he had moved to your city in the U.S from London three years prior, but you had never seen him before.
"We were partners in a race, and you kept bragging about how you ran your portions faster than me," you reminded him.

Louis laughed.
"I thought you were a dick," you continued. "I made a mental note to stay away from you."
"I did that because I was flirting, Einstein."
You rolled your eyes. "Sure. Now get to drawing interphase." You began to label the poster "meiosis" in bold red letters.

"And then you started dating Dick-"
"Dan," you corrected.
"When you started dating Dave I always talked shit about him."
"He was a shitty boyfriend," you argued. He flirted with everyone, which is why you only dated him for 5 months of your freshman year. Most of your friends hated him.

Louis shifted towards you, his demeanor eager. "Okay, but he also thought that I liked you."
"So did everyone," you reasoned. "Remember that time we went out with Rachel and her boyfriend Liam and they kept calling it a double date?"
"So you kept grabbing my hand to make me squirm. As a joke."
"It was adorable," Louis smiled.
You frowned, shuddering a little. "You're being weird."
"Anyways," Louis continued, "the point is that everyone was right."

"Okay, whatever," you sighed. Louis was a prankster. He pulled jokes on you so much that he might as well have started a prank YouTube channel. "Draw quicker. I told your sister we'd pick her up from soccer practice."

"But remember two years ago when you called me at 4 a.m because you were drunk at a party, and I snuck out and picked you up?"

"Because we're best friends, idiot."

"Okay, but remember when I pretended to be your boyfriend in the 8th grade in front of your cousins, just to make the really snobby one jealous?"

"Jessica?" You smiled, remembering the sequence of events. Jessica was always making backhanded comments towards you, but one night she said something that really stung.
She had said, 'I don't blame you for being single, girls that aren't conventionally attractive are so looked over.' She had claimed that she didn't mean it like that, but you knew exactly how she meant it. Obviously, you cried about it and told Louis. You were already insecure about your looks, and so this had just made things worse. As you were thinking about how much more disheveled you looked in that moment, you realized that Louis was the most attractive person that you knew. Suddenly, your whole mood had brightened. Louis had eyed you suspiciously.

"What?" He had asked cautiously.
You explained your plan to him. Every year, all of the girl cousins would go ice skating. Your family wasn't very big; you had about 7 cousins total. You told Louis that he should tag along as a surprise date to shut Jessica up. He refused. So, you brought him chocolates. Still, he wouldn't agree to go. Next, you promised to let him teach you to skateboard. That wasn't enough. Finally, you told him that you'd get him the really expensive shoes that his parents wouldn't gift him for Christmas and he quickly hopped on the plan. Although you felt very awkward throughout the whole evening, the look on Jessica's face was worth the tugging feeling you felt when you realized that after that night you'd never hold Louis's hand again. Jessica mentioning that event to Dan later was probably why he thought you and Louis might have something going on, you realized.

Louis spoke again, snapping you back into the moment. "I told you I didn't want to because it would be weird."
You nodded, your mind starting to go back to your project.
"Well, I didn't want to because I knew it would make me fall for you harder."
"Whatever," you huffed, your heart speeding up in your chest. He had spent this long trying to convince you of things before, just for shits and giggles. Still, your body didn't seem to know that.

"Louis, I will never do a group project with you again if you make me draw the rest of the phases by myself."

He picked up his pencil again. "What about how I let you drag me all around the mall the other day, and how I've been letting you do that for years."

You scoffed. "Nice try. You do that because you know that I won't go to the skate park with you if you don't."

Louis threw his head back and groaned. "You're so dense sometimes."

Your jaw dropped and you looked up at him. "I fail a test that you passed one time and you never let me forget it. I literally always do bett-"

Before you could finish, Louis's lips were on yours. You pulled away in surprise, and then sent yours crashing back into his.

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