Louis Sleeps In

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A/n: This election stressing me out fr

You heard the alarm go off for the fifth time. Louis rolled over, shut it off, and then promptly pulled the blanket over his head.

"Nope," you said, pulling it down. "You said you'd watch my speech for the competition."
"I'm gonna watch it," he mumbled, his voice deep with sleep and his eyes still closed.
The venue was 4 hours away, and since the speech was at 10, your parents were gonna start driving you guys out at 5:30. You were at his house, though, which meant that you had to get up even earlier so that you could get ready and be home around 5. So, you got up at 4. Louis, however, had snoozed his alarm several times, and now it was 4:45. You had been sitting on the bed next to him since 4:30.
"I'm leaving at 5:10 if you're not ready yet." It only took you 10 minutes to get home from his house, but getting back at exactly 5:30 would be pushing it.

"Okay, I'm getting up," he replied, but he still hadn't moved an inch or even opened his eyes.
"Louiiis," you complained. You snuggled up next to him. He looked so peaceful. It kind of made you feel bad  His face was pale, but his body was so warm.
"Let's just stay like this for a few minutes."
"I'm gonna get makeup on your pillow." You kissed his cheek and sat up. "You're so cute when you're all sleepy like this."

Louis smiled. "Then you should let me stay sleepy."
"Nope." You shined your phone flashlight in his face, causing him to groan.
"Fuck," he complained as he wrapped his arms around your waist. He still didn't get up.
"Louis, I'm serious!" you giggled. "This is important to me."

Okay, okay, I'm up." Louis sat up and rubbed his eyes. He reached for his phone. "Shit, it's 4:52," he laughed.
"Not funny." But you were smiling.

Louis trudged out of bed and to the bathroom. Since he was a night showerer, all he had to do was change and brush his teeth. When he came out of the bathroom, he was your cheerful, alert Louis.

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