Louis Likes Dune

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A/n: This is a request! In this one you apply makeup and wear a dress so if those are things you don't do please switch it out for something else in your mind! I wanted to get specific about what you were wearing.

You stood in front of your mirror, your stomach twisting. You were incredibly nervous, but excited at the same time too.
You finished applying your makeup and then changed into a T-shirt and jeans. And then a shirt and a skirt. And then finally you settled on a sundress. It was 6:30, and Louis would be here any minute, so you quickly grabbed your money, said goodbye to your parents, and then sat outside to wait for him.

Louis was one of the popular kids at school, so even before you knew him you had seen him around. He was the boy who wasn't afraid of raising his hand in class and had a brain for math. You knew this about him, but it was more by force instead of choice. As soon as you had laid eyes on him you had decided that he was out of your league, so you had tried not think about him much.

That was until you guys were assigned to be lab partners in chemistry for a semester. Then you realized that you really couldn't pretend that he didn't exist anymore. Still, you tried your best to only think of him when he was near.

When you guys were in class, you couldn't help but to drink up every detail of him. You discovered that he played soccer when he had to leave for a game. You found out that he had very neat handwriting, and you burned the image of the way he wrote his letters into your brain. You found out that he had a dog because a hair was on his binder.

You expected him to be rude, but he was actually really friendly, and even more charming. He was nice to you even when you couldn't understand something. He often offered to tutor you, but you declined out of embarrassment.

One day he caught you outside after school. He hadn't done this before, but it didn't seem too bizarre, as you guys had met up outside of school to do a poster once and texted occasionally.
"Hey," he said as he fell in stride with you. You were walking to a friend's house who lived by the school but hadn't gone that day.

"Are you doing anything this weekend?"
You eyed him. His face was going red. You wondered if you were missing some kind of school event he was going to ask you to help out with to take his place "I'll have to see."
"I'm thinking of seeing Dune."
"Oh." You had heard of it, and it seemed good. Plus Zendaya was going to be in it. "Let me know whether or not I should see it on Monday."
"Well." He paused. "I was thinking that you could come with."
You stopped for a second but quickly snapped out of it. "Like with your friends?" you stuttered.
Louis laughed. "No, like just us."

Eventually you finally found out it was a date, and you were instantly terrified.

When Louis made it, he parked by your house and then got out of the car. He was usually wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, but today he had upgraded to wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

"Hey," he said. You smiled. He was just as nervous as you were.
"Nice outfit." you teased. His smile widened, and your stomach filled with butterflies. He opened the door for you on the passenger's side of the car and then got in the driver's seat.

"Who's car is this?" you asked, trying to make conversation.

"My mom's." he smiled. "I had to clean the whole house to borrow it." He looked over at you as he started it. "You look great by the way."

You were nervous again. "Thankyou. These are my sibling's shoes."

The drive was actually pretty easygoing, and you relaxed as you guys exchanged conversation. You learned that Louis had two sisters and had acted in a commercial when he was little. Apparently he also played the piano, skateboarded, and once met Millie Bobby Brown, although you were skeptical of that last "fact."

The movie was nice too. Louis insisted on buying you popcorn and would whisper jokes into your ear throughout it. And when he dropped you off at your house he even hugged you goodbye.

You ended the night feeling really good, and you knew that you felt at ease with him.

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