Louis Is a Bad Prince

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I wrote this after being inspired by the show Young Royals! Doesn't have the same plot at all but I really like the whole one-of-the-characters-is-royalty trope!

Also, just a heads up that the story is basically several scenes compiled. The dates will be at the top!

For my fellow Americans, secondary school is highschool!

July 2016 🥀

You counted to 4 in your head as you held your breath and then counted again as you exhaled. You were about to meet the prince. The one that was going to be the king of the U.K one day. Your heart was thumping as fast as the woman next to you's shoes clicked on the marble floor.

You weren't royal and never had been. You had only gotten this job because it was a family tradition to work for royalty as soon as you turned 14. According to your mother, your great great great great great grandmother had worked for someone royale when Queen Victoria was on the throne. Through networking, she was able to get her son to work for royalty, and then he got his son to work for royalty, and so on. Each generation it seemed that your family got closer and closer to directly working for the throne. You were the first person to be working for an eventual king. You could not mess this up.

You turned a corner and then were led into what you recognized to be the tea room. The walls were yellow, and sunlight draped in from a string of arched windows on the left wall of the room. There was more marble flooring. It was filled with small circular tables, and by one of the windows sat Louis. You used to eat biscuits in here while your mom read to you during her breaksq. He had two guards sitting beside him, and in his hand was a cup of tea. You wiped your own hands on your black skirt. You were incredibly nervous. Even in his sweatshirt and sweatpants he looked so high status. Your mother would kill you if you messed this up.

He stood up, and you couldn't believe that he actually had posture that good in real life. You had seen him in magazines, but had always assumed that they just voided all of the shots of him that weren't good. He was freshly 16, but you could tell that he carried himself incredibly professionally. You approached him and bowed your knees slightly, a bit starstruck.

"Your Royal Highness," you greeted. You'd think that you would have gotten up close to him previously considering that your mother was a personal assistant for his uncle. You had lived with your father for most of your childhood growing up, though, and she wasn't allowed to introduce anyone not living in the palace to anyone in line for the throne.

He shook your hand, and you were a bit shocked that he had touched you so soon after meeting you. His hands were really soft. You saw that he had a packet in his other hand. "I printed out your briefing," he said as he handed it to you. It was at least 20 pages. "You are to be familiar with it by tomorrow morning."

You tried not to let your eyes widen in surprise. "Yes sir." You did a small curtsy again, and when you were done you saw that he was smirking.

"You're dismissed."

"Thank You sir." You walked out and started off to your room. The woman who had walked you to the tea room had shown you it earlier. It was very close to your mom's room, but it did take you 10 minutes just to get to it, which was kind of annoying. You decided to go update her, but when you got there you saw that she was out.

Being a personal assistant meant that you never knew when you were going to have free time, and so you didn't know when she would be back. This behavior had made your father very angry. Your mother missed birthdays, family emergencies, and especially missed holidays. Eventually your father moved out of the palace and into a house of his own.

Louis Patridge Imagines!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ