Louis Is A Bad Prince (2)

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Sorry this took so long!

September 2021 💐

Louis pulled you into a corner. You guys had been out shopping for some of your back to school stuff, which he had offered to carry. But it was a lot. Plus you both had walked up to the store from the place you had just been eating at, meaning he was stuck carrying all of your bags for several blocks.

He set the stuff down with a huff once you were deep in the alleyway.

"You just put my things on the ground," you complained.

He smiled and put his hands on your waist. He glanced around before kissing you. "I've missed you."

Louis had gone on a tour around Europe where he did a bunch of inspirational speeches and joined in on parades. Not only was he away from you for month during this, but he didn't even really have any time to FaceTime you.

You were busy too now, as it was your last week before you went back to school. Your job wanted to schedule you as much as possible while you were still available all day, and so they wouldn't let you have more than a day off that week. After work you would go home to take care of your dad. This meant that you needed to spend your one day off going back to school shopping. Louis had gotten home two days ago and you missed each other, so he agreed to tag along.

He kissed your neck now, and you giggled because it tickled.
"Louis!" you scolded. "What if someone sees?"

"I don't care," he mumbled into you. He kissed you on the mouth again. "I love you."

October 2021 🧣

You went up to Louis and hugged him. In the past you would kiss him to greet him in the palace, but over the last month he had become weirder and weirder about PDA. Today he barely even wrapped his arms around you.
"Hey, I have to talk to you." he said.
You searched his face. "About what?"
Louis glanced around the hallway you were in. It was the weekend. The castle was buzzing around you, with  workers scrambling to get wherever they needed to be. His personal assistant had said that he was in the game room, and you had spotted him walking in the opposite direction from it when you got there.
"Let's just talk in private."

You frowned. "Can I at least unpack my stuff first?" You stayed there every other weekend, and your first priority when you got there on Friday afternoons was usually to find your mom and then Louis.
You paused. "Are you coming with me?"
Louis nodded, but he didn't hold your hand when you guys walked to his room. When you stayed at the palace for a few days, you usually put your stuff in his room and slept in his bed, since you spent most of your time with him anyways. Hanging out with him was honestly the only reason why you stayed overnight, as being at the palace meant that you were missing out on going out with your friends.

Louis helped you unpack, which unfortunately made it go by quicker. You wanted to stall. Your stomach was churning. What was on Louis's mind? He seemed so serious. You searched your brain for anything that you had done that could've upset him, but couldn't think of anything.

When you finished he didn't look mad, but he did look anxious, which wasn't a good sign. He kept not making eye contact and was fidgeting. He sat down on the end of the bed.
"You're driving me crazy," you said, your backside leaning against the drawer. "What is it?"

Louis turned on his phone and went on it. You sat down next to him and peered over his shoulder. He pulled up an instagram post from his bookmarks, his leg bouncing up and down as he did so. Someone had posted a picture of you two hugging.

You put your arm on his shoulder."That's a nice picture of us." It was from a week ago, but you hadn't seen it because you never really looked into what was being posted about you. Sometimes the internet could be harsh, and you preferred to try and avoid seeing any hate when you could.

Louis Patridge Imagines!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang