Louis is a Bad Coworker (2)

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Sorry this took so long to get up! I've been working a lot.
On that note, I probably won't be uploading anything original on here for at least the rest of the summer. I'll still do requests though!
Also, reminder that this takes place in America!
I hope you guys like it :)

April ✨

You and Louis were in the back. He didn't have to start work for another hour, but sometimes he came early to hang out with you if you worked during a time when it was usually slow. Today was the slowest day you had experienced, as technically there was a light blizzard going on. Denise had wanted you to count how many of the new books came in since she didn't get a chance to do it herself that morning, and by the time Louis had to clock in you were finished. When you asked her what else you could do, she assigned you and Louis both to deep cleaning the area. Instead of Louis being on his phone like he was during the previous hour, he kept distracting you.

You raised your eyebrows at Louis now. He had just asked you if the Catcher in the Rye was made before or after the 19th century.

"It takes place after world war 2," you laughed.

He groaned in response. "Sometimes I feel so dumb next to you."

You snorted. "When I'm next to you, I feel industrious."

"But you're so pretty when you do all of the work while I watch."

You smiled at him, duster in hand. You had already sweeped, and so now you had moved on to dusting. There really wasn't much to clean in a room filled with boxes, so you were mostly just doing random things to avoid getting in trouble. Louis had clocked in 15 minutes ago, and had been assigned to the same task. It had snowed really hard and no one was leaving their houses, hence the busy work. Denise would probably be sending you home early.

"Don't get used to this," you teased.

You both were getting an apartment together in September. Louis had a shoot for a movie that started in August and was doing online college, as it would be difficult for him to show up to classes with his unpredictable hours. You were doing college in person, but opted for getting an apartment since it was actually cheaper to just live on your own than in a dorm.

He was filming within the state, and so your university was only 45 minutes from the location. Instead of him getting a hotel for 3 months straight due to apartments' shortest leases being 6 months, you said he could just stay with you. It would make rent cheaper for you, anyway.

"I think I will get used to it," Louis joked.

You tapped his head with the duster.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, wiping his hair off.

He stood up and leaned in to kiss you. You kissed him back, placing your hand on the back of his head.

Just then Tilly came in. "Oh my god," she laughed.

You jumped back and cleared your throat. Louis smiled cheekily.

"What have I walked into?"

You glanced at Louis. "If Denise asks, cleaning."

Louis laughed.

"Teenagers these days," Tilly giggled. "Well, there's a customer who's having trouble choosing between The Shining and Diary of a Haunting." Tilly shivered dramatically. She hated horror. "I'm not touching that."

May 🌙

You watched Louis as he read a book for one of his parts. He had a highlighter in his hand, and he took the top off with his teeth now. The cap was still in his mouth as he highlighted a section, probably because his character was in it. His eyelashes fluttered as he searched for something on the page. They were so long. He really was blessed appearance wise. He looked so cute sitting criss cross and all bundled up as he flipped the pages.

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