Tewkesbury Buys a Poster

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This one is a request from @onlyhereforpartridge!
In a bit I'm going to edit more non requests unless anyone else has requests, of course!

"Hey," said a voice from behind you. You turned around so that the person that it belonged to could see you rolling your eyes. You'd recognize that voice anywhere. It was just Tewkesbury.

"What do you want?" You were walking to your bus stop, and you were kind of in a hurry. You were running late. Also, it was still technically winter, and so you felt like your eyebrows were going to be solid by the time you reached your destination. You couldn't wait to get on that bus.

What was most annoying was that Tewkesbury didn't even have a reason to be out there. as his mother dropped him off at school everyday. You figured that him bugging you here was better than him bothering you at school, though.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."
You ignored him and started walking again. He was your best friend, but you were mad at him. He had stood you up at the arcade the night before. Playing games there was a tradition you guys did every anniversary of the day that he moved next door. Your mother had gone over with a card, and he had promptly invited himself to your birthday party that was that night upon hearing about it.

"I wanted to see about making things up to you," Tewkesbury said shyly.
"An 'I'm sorry' would be a good start," you advised. He had never apologized for anything the whole time you had known him. Granted, it was hard to stay mad at him, and so maybe there was no need. But today was different. You had had a crush on him for a bit now. You were going to surprise him with a promposal. After fifteen minutes of waiting for him people had started to glance at you with looks of pity.

"But I didn't do anything wrong."
You stopped to look at him. Was he serious? You made a note to reevaluate your taste in men, but was quickly distracted when you heard what you recognized to be the sound of a bus door closing. While he had been groveling your ride had driven right by. You hadn't even heard it stop!
"Look what you did!" you said, gesturing towards the road.

"I don't get why you're so mad, y/n."
"I have a presentation to give."
"I did come, you know," he said softly.

You could not believe him. "Yeah, Tewkesbury, an hour late. I left after 30 minutes."
"I called you yesterday night. If you listened to my voicemail you would've known that I told you that there was a line at the store and that I was going to be there in 15."
That voicemail was left after you had gotten to your house. You sighed dramatically. "What exactly were you doing at the store while I was waiting for you?"
"You know that singer you're really obsessed with?"
"You mean the one that got me through what happened with my parents?"
"Okay sure-"

"Really?" You had thought that Tewkesbury had understood. He was really supportive at the time. He would sneak through your window almost every night to be with you, as he knew that that was around the time when things would really start to set in. He always talked so loudly though, and so you weren't sure about how appreciative of it you were at the time. Thankfully no one noticed he was in there, even when he had accidentally fallen asleep and had to climb through the window the next morning, the neighbors staring as he complained about how much you were rushing him. Now this memory would be soured for you.

"I didn't mean it like that." You took satisfaction in the fact that he looked sorry.
"You couldn't text me to let me know you were running late because you got me a poster, Tewkesbury?"
"Well, yeah," he said as if it was obvious. "It was the blue one you like."
"I already own that poster!"
"I know-"

You started to walk away, this time in the opposite direction. You would have to try to get someone to pick you up.

Tewkesbury followed. "You should feel lucky to know the governor's son, you know."
"I feel so blessed," you retorted. "Especially because it gave you such a skull so big that you don't have any more room left for a brain." Tewkesbury could not go a week without mentioning that his dad was a politician. It was how he introduced himself to everybody.
"We'll address that comment later."
You kept walking. You were seriously hurt. That anniversary was practically sacred. You guys hadn't missed it for a single year. This year was the first time you didn't play Pac-Man on February 9th.

"Wait!" he shouted.
You didn't turn around.
"I got you a signed copy of that poster and backstage tickets to the concert."
Your mouth dropped. You were in class when those tickets were posted, and they sold out by passing period. You had complained about it all day to him, and you still brooded over it often. You couldn't believe that he had gone through the effort.

"Tewkesbury!" You shouted as you ran up to him. Not thinking, you grabbed him and hugged him, his face cool against your head. He smelled like morning grass and dew. He had probably been watering his plants that morning, you figured.
"Thought they would want to do a campaign with my dad for Instagram since they're trying to encourage people to vote. I asked if we could get tickets in exchange. Sent a message to their business email, but they didn't respond until yesterday. " Tewkesbury's voice was strained as he spoke, but you continued to hold onto him. "We made the mistake of meeting in public and people kept interrupting my dad and their conversation."

You pulled away, eyeing him suspiciously. "Since when are you thoughtful?"
Tewkesbury smiled cheekily at this. "Since always. I'm so under appreciated, you know."
You laughed. "I actually had a surprise for you too, but we'll have to go to my house to see it."

"My mom's going to kill me for being any more late than I already am," he complained, but when you grabbed his arm and pulled him along he followed. Your house was right next to his, and so you had to pass it to get to yours. His mother had already left for work apparently, as her car wasn't in the driveway. "She said she would wait for me," he whined.

You were almost shaking by the time you got to your room. You were really nervous. Tewkesbury was so oblivious sometimes, and he likely had no idea that you felt this way about him. You got on your knees and swiped under your bed until you found your poster. You had stashed it under there, guessing that him not showing up was probably a sign from the universe that you shouldn't tell him. Now, you held it up proudly.

Guess who I have my irises on? I'm passionflower about you. Dont be a pansies, look down! It said. On the top was a straight line of irises that you had printed out multiple pictures of. There was a passionflower in the bottom right corner, and pansies with an x over them in the bottom left. The poster board was white, and the ink brown, his favorite color.

"I had your flower buds arranged in the middle of the floor but after thirty minutes an employee insisted on sweeping it up. I even had your favorites," you explained. You omitted the part where you had let the guy throw them away after in anger.
"Screw your concert tickets, I would've totally skipped out on getting them to be able to see that."
"The funny thing is is that I know you're being serious."
Tewkesbury laughed. "Wait so you just dumped random plants on the floor?"
You looked at a photo on the wall past his face, your cheeks heating up. "It actually spelled out prom."

Tewkesbury smiled, his nose still pink from having been out in the cold. "I thought that you'd never ask."

After this I'm going to edit all of the older chapters I've posted to make sure there aren't any errors. I might also change the cover photo.

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