Louis Talks To An Intern

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AN: So, this was a request by chwixx !
Next I'm going to upload a non request and then one featuring a neighbor situation!

You cursed all the way to your shower and then all the way down the stairs of your apartment. You were still cursing when you got in your car. You were late for your first day of working as a doctor. Something had possessed you to go out the night before, and an even stronger force had apparently possessed you to bring a man back to your apartment. His name was Louis or some shit. Now you were late. On your first day. And a woman the interns called "the nazi" was the first person you would be speaking to.

When you got to the hospital, you rushed to change and make it to the beginning speech. You had expected it to be something really formal, but the first thing Dr. Bailey did was make a face at the sight of the interns.
"Let's make this quick," she started. She was in front of a desk, and the nurses were glancing in her direction in amusement. Apparently this had not gone well in the past.
"There are 5 rules," she continued.

In the end the speech wasn't that bad, and after 12 hours of being on your feet you even managed to find a moment to sleep as the other interns talked around you. "I finished first in my class at Stanford," was the last thing you heard before you drifted off. It had come from Christina, one of the more competitive interns. The intern was basically the entry level position. You were one too.

Not even 10 minutes later your pager woke you up. It was a code. "Shit!" you exclaimed. Everyone was staring at you.
"Go!" Christina urged, and you got up and started running, your mind racing as you did so. What kind of medical emergency would there be? Would the attending be there? Or would you be on your own? You rushed into the room, only to find your patient perfectly well and alive.
"I'm bored." she said.
"What?" You were fuming! You thought she was dying!
"I need to watch my pageant. The stupid channel isn't available. And I had to go all exorcist to even get a nurse to pay attention to me."
"Probably because this is a hospital." You walked over to her and put your stethoscope to her chest. All you needed to do was get her vitals and then you could go back to the dream you were having. "There's actual sick people here, you know."
The patient rolled her eyes. Her name was Katie. "Whatever. If I can't be there, I'm sure as hell gonna watch."
"Watch it on your laptop," you suggested as you walked out. You had no words. You figured that you should probably let the attending know that nothing had actually happened, and so you began looking for a Dr. Partridge. You asked several people before someone finally pointed you in his direction. When you got to the room he was in, the final person you asked pointed at the guy from last night. The same guy you had met while drunk at a bar and had taken home.

You walked up to him, and his eyes widened in surprise.
"What are you doing here?" You hissed at Louis.
"I'm a surgeon." Was all he said. You could hear the amusement dripping from his voice.
"Why am I on your case?"
"Yeah, why are you getting on my case right now?" Louis cocked his head playfully. The nerve of that man!  He would not be getting away with that right now if it weren't for the accent, you thought. If only you could remember where he had said he was from last night.
"Whatever," you replied after a moment of glaring. "Just don't think anything is going to happen."
"But I'm a surgeon."
"Yeah, we've covered that."
"Surgery is sexy."
He did look good in scrubs... His toned chest was covered, but he was holding a clipboard at stomach level, and his biceps were flexed slightly. Plus there was something about the way the color of his scrubs looked on him. You chose to roll your eyes. "I'm a surgeon too, you know."
Louis dragged his eyes up and down your body, apparently not caring about who was around. "Which is why-"
You borrowed from what Katie had said earlier. "Whatever." You walked away. Maybe he didn't need to know what had happened after all.

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