Tewkesbury Wants it All

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This chapter is a request I got from @cookie_1154729!

This is a Holmesbury oneshot but I haven't read any of the books.. oops! I also didn't look up what happens to Enola after the first movie as I didn't want any of it to be spoiled for me. So some of the details me be inaccurate to that besides from the obvious, which is that Tewkesbury is only in the first book.

Enola and Tewkesbury only took a few months after meeting to be dating, and a few years after that to be married. Still, they fought for what felt like ages about where to live. Enola wanted to be in the city, where everyone, and therefore her suspects, lived. But Tewkesbury wanted to live in the country, and so they compromised and lived in the country. "We'll live off of the land," he had told her excitedly. "I'll do all of the farming work. We won't even need to hire much help."

"Can you help me get the eggs?' Tewkesbury asked a year later, breathing heavily as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. The door slammed shut behind him as he stomped over to where Enola was sat. Enola looked up from her paper with a frustrated expression. She had been on the verge of coming to a conclusion. She was looking for someone who had been kidnapped, and a story in the news seemed like it matched the description of them.  She was still constructing a visualization of the description as she spoke.

"I'm working!" she complained, and Tewkesbury rolled his eyes.

"I would be too by now if those damned chickens would let me get a hand in."

Enola laughed, folding and setting her newspaper down in defeat. "You should give up on that dream of farming the land by yourself."

"It's not my fault I can't do anything! They bite!"

Enola laughed again. "No they don't. I'll come out there with you and prove it." Tewkesbury sat down on the arm of the sofa Enola was on.

"They chased me! And look at this scratch on my arm."

Enola picked up his arm and inspected it. "You mean this?"

"It may be small, but it is very painful."

"Okay Tewky. Remember how you whined at our wedding?"

"I got scraped up real bad when I fell, you know. And the groom should always look his A- game on his wedding day."


Tewkesbury wasn't listening. He was thinking of that day. She looked so pretty in her dress, and she had actually even put on makeup. It had taken him forever to convince her to marry him.  They were 18 and 19 by the time they were engaged, which was on the older side by tradition. She said she would hate to feel owned by a man, which was fair enough. "Wouldn't we make great parents?"

"What?" Enola blinked rapidly as if he had insulted her.

"I've been thinking-"

"Well, that's never good."

"I'm serious. I've been thinking about it, and we should have a baby." Tewkesbury's hair was long again, and he flipped it out of his face now. His cheeks were rosey as he studied her eyes.

"A baby?" Enola almost gasped. "You think that you could take care of a baby?"

He thought about it for a moment. "Of course," he decided. "I become good at things easily. And think of all the things we could teach it."


"I hate it when you call me that."

"Tewkes, how would we find the time?"

Tewkesbury paused before he broke out into a smile and pulled Enola into him. "We have time right now," he mumbled before kissing her lips.

Enola laughed, throwing her head back in the process. Tewkesbury used that opportunity to kiss her neck.

"That's not what I meant!" she giggled, and now Tewkesbury was laughing too. "Stop, stop."

Tewkesbury pulled away, a defeated look on his face. "I just thought that it might be nice, you know?"

Enola sighed. "How would I work on my cases?"

"I would watch the baby," Tewkesbury claimed proudly.

Enola raised her eyebrows, studying him closely. He could barely be trusted to be alone with his cousins. One time he let his 6 year old cousin climb and fall out of a 10 foot tall tree because he was too busy practicing his speech to pay attention. "You would watch the baby?"

Tewkesbury frowned. "Yes?"

"Even when you have court?'

"We'll hire help."


"You know that's technically your last name too, right?"


Tewkesbury scoffed. "Unfortunately?"

"I didn't mean it like that. It's just that just like taking a man's last name, damning a woman to do all of your domestic work for barely any pay is inherently sexist."

Tewkesbury was quiet. Enola bit her lip, trying to not give into the puppy dog look on his face. "Fine," she said finally, trying and failing to suppress a smile. "I'll think about it."

Tewkesbury stood up, picking up Enola as he did so and swinging in a circle. "We'll have a little family!" he told her.

"You better give me massages," she demanded. "Every day! Every single day!"

And Enola really did ask for those massages often three years later when she was pregnant with their first child. "It's a girl by the way,  I just know it." she would insist. "She'll have your pretty eyes."

Tewkesbury would whine and complain, citing that he had just gotten off work and didn't want to do any manual labor. "I've been doing manual labor all day carrying your child." she would shoot back. She was right, and so with a sigh Tewkesbury would get to the foot and back rubs.

When the first baby came it was a boy, but the next one was a girl, and both looked more like Tewkesbury. She had previously thought about having several children after the first one, but now two was suddenly enough for Enola's liking. When they were old enough, Chrysanthemum and Independence would spend their days being tutored by the man Tewkesbury had hired, and when they weren't being tutored, they would be curled up next to their mother as she worked on another case, or out in the garden learning about flowers with Tewkesbury.

"I can't believe how close we were to not having met." Tewkesbury said one day. It was their 10 year wedding anniversary, and they had traveled up to London. The kids were at Sherlock's, and so their hotel room was quiet.

"I know." Enola replied thoughtfully. What were the odds that she would sit in the same place in the train that Tewkesbury was in? She smiled as she remembered him climbing out of the bag he had been in. She almost left him there when that man came in shortly after. "You almost died that day."

"Yeah." It felt so long ago to him. "You're lucky that I chose that carriage."

Enola scoffed and Tewkesbury continued.

"I love you more than you can ever know Enola Tewkesbury."

"It's Holmes." Enola stated. "But I so love you more."


So, if you're confused, basically Enola and Tewkesbury got married at 18 and 19, got a house in the country, and had a baby at 21 and 22. Tewkesbury is still a viscount in this one and Enola is a detective.

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