Thank The Reaper

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I sit on Rane's lap at Gemma's house for yet another sons baby shower and I can't figure out how the he'll we allways seem to be in charming for these things "I'm gonna go out for a smoke Everest" he smiles and kisses me before letting me up "you ok?" I smile "yeah I just don't wanna smoke by pregnate mama over here" the club laughs and I hold my smile until the door shuts then let my smile drop. Don't think I'm a horrible person I'm happy the family is growing and I absolutely love babies but I guess I'm jealous before Rane came and swept me away on the back of his motorcycle I lived as quietly as possible being a Winston and all unfortunately having the ties to the MC caused all of my ex's to not want kids with me wich is fine I wasn't ready yet anyway but my last one he did a number on me talked about our one day to be wedding, a house, and kids the whole nine yards my mother loved him my dad was suspicious but wanted me happy and Opie I thought was gonna kill him every time they were in the same room. God I loved this guy so much and then he ripped my heart out told me one day I needed to make a choice if I wanted kids with him then I needed to walk away from the club I tried to tell him the club is my family and he told me point blank that being associated with the club made me not mother material then he left. I went into some deep depression after that and then Rane happened he took me on his bike showed me how to see things in a different setting as we got closer dad and Ope were over joyed mom tried to get me to talk to a different son wich I thought was strange till I realized she just didn't want me to go with him which I did and I love it but I hate coming home for other people baby showers knowing I'll never have one "what's wrong sis" I jump at Opie being next to me and I not noticing "god damn Ope why not make me piss myself" we laugh a bit "you wanna talk about what's got you sad" I sigh "I just don't understand why Gem keeps making Quinn promise to bring me to these I mean I'm glad everyones having babies and falling in love but...never mind you won't get it" he pats my sholder "but you don't wanna watch them move on with there lives when you aren't" I glare at him "what the fuck does that even mean Opie I move along just fine Rane and I have been married for three years and we make each other happy and he shows me his love for me every night and if I wanna go anywhere he makes sure to add it to our travels I even miss the other nomads when they go home" I cross my arms glaring at him "easy sis I didn't mean it like that it's just you always wanted that light purple house down the street from TM and you had baby nursery ideas for miles" I look at him and shake my head "I'm not cut out to be a mother Ope" he raises a brow at me "that ass hole still has that stuck up there after all this time" I scoff "jesus Opie does it really fucking matter where would we put a baby on a motorcycle" he shrugs "you guys could pick a charter we got em all over the place" "I like being free it makes him happy I'm heading back to the club senice we obviously aren't letting this go". I walk away from the house not noticing Rane came out shortly after Opie did to see if I was ok.


As I stand quietly around the corner I listen to the conversation that my wife and her brother had and shut my eyes I had asked about a year into our merrige if she wanted to settle down with a charter and have kids and was told no that she didnt want that anymore I was disappointed to learn she no longer wanted that life she dreamed of I never thought about having kids but once I had her I couldn't get rid of the idea. I knew these baby showers always put Destiny in a strange mood I was never thrilled about coming to them either I'm just better at hiding my dis pleasure then her it didnt really upset her but she wasn't happy like normal now I know why I had thought I go all that shit out of her head but apearently I missed a subject. I round the corner of Gemma's house as I pull out a roll of cash and place it in Opie's hand looking him in the eye "go put that down payment on that purple house for me" he smiles and nods I grab destiny's arm and push her against my bike "how aren't you cut out to be a mother?" She blinks and looks away so I pull her face back to mine "talk Destiny" she rolls her eyes and I give a warning growl "it doesn't matter Rane just leave it alone" I kiss her hard "it does matter Destiny I told you I was gonna make your dreams come true and I intend to make them all come true you got a club wedding fit for the princess of SAMCRO when I made you my queen I took you every where you wanted to see and now I bought you that redicules purple house but I want a baby and we arnt gonna not have one solely do to shit that ass hole said to you do you understand me" she nods her head and looks down I tilt her face back up "Destiny Quinn if I had known you did want a baby we would have started trying the night I asked you because we would have been moved in to that house already" she finely reaches up to play with my hair and mumbles "did you really buy that house for me" I nod my head yes "before we move in were gonna need furniture...i want it all to be red wood" I grin down at her sparkling eyes "and I want the babies nursery to be Harley Davidson themed...i want Happy to make a mural at eyeryones crows like he did for all the other babies...i want Opie and Layla to be the god parents...and if we have a boy his name has to be Ryder Blaze Quinn and a girl will have to be Harley Rose Quinn" by this point she's bouncing on her toes kissing me after every few words causing me to laugh this is the woman I married and love the one who can get so overly excited she acts like a child I reach forward and pull her into a deep bruising kiss as we pull apart isee her excitment has changed to lust "we need to go back to to the club house Rane" I give her a confused look apearently I took to long to reaspond because she jumped up into my arms and wrapped her legs around me and began kissing me hard then moving to my neck biting down on it "mmm ok I get the picture you wanna start trying" she tugs lightly on my hair and rolls her hips causing me to moan then growl as I push her against my bike she moans at my roughness "or you could just fuck me here against your Harley baby" she tells me breathlessly. "Or you guys could be aduts and ride the bike back to TM and fuck in the dorm room instead of making me wanna scoop my fucking eyes out and bleach them" I turn to smile at Opie while putting Destiny on my bike "sorry brother I couldn't resist her she jumped me" I feel her smack my arm and giggle as I climb on my bike.


I sit down back on the couch and watch Layla open yet another gift for the baby and smile to see a beenie that said 'future SON' attached was a onesie 'loved by aunt Destiny and uncle Quinn. Protected by all' with a reaper underneath it "I want him to wear that home" Layla nods her head at me smiling. Later my dad grabs my hand "where did Destiny disappear to earlier they didn't leave already did they?" I shake my head "no I thing Quinn asked Clay for a transfer request" I watch as my old man grins wider then the day my kids were born as tears brim his eyes as he turns to almost run to the door but stops once inside with wide eyes I run to catch up to him to see what had him so shoked. As I get closer I can already hear it "please Rane can I cum you feel soo good" "bum for me my love" we hear a loud smack I shut my eyes "please spank me again" I shut them harder trying not to picture what was going on behind the doors of church "oh my fucking god that's fucking descusting" Tig pats both our shoulders as he walks in "don't worry about whats happening in there worry about whos seat they are fucking in front of" I gag as bile forms in my throat "no boyo tha's how she probably star'ed him normally she gags on 'im b'fore they get ta fucking. I would know they sleep nex door ta me" my father laughs while I feel my whole body shake at the knowledge. We all wait patiently as the doors to church finely open to a blushing Destiny with her once perfect hair messed up and a smugly grinning Quinn "really guys in church?" Quinn grins wider and Destiny smiles shyly "yeah she has always had a thing about doing it being bent over the reaper table I had to make her dream come true" as they walk towards the rooms Destiny stops "daddy we're moving home...and trying for a baby" thank fuck "good baby I've missed you" his kisses her head "now go shower you smell like sex" she grins "oh we aren't done yet" Quinn smacks her ass hard causing her to whimper then Quinn smiles at me "hey don't sit in Tig or Happy's seat I don't want you to touch that area by accident" tig snickers "nice I'll think about you getting rode by Quinn every time I sit there doll causing Quinn to laugh. Happy yells from the bar "it's ok we know you were thinking of me little girl" everyone lughed "keep dreaming crazy" he grins "oh I will!"

Nine months later

Quinn walks into church with Rider and Harley in each arm "Destiny has an appointment and I didn't have a sitter not that I would fucking trust one you're either gonna have to wait for church or deal with it" Clay chuckles "Piney used to have the babies in here all the time youre good" Opie takes Rider and Piney takes Harley and Quinn lays his head down on the reaper table Happy smiles at him and rasps "man I gotta tell you I'm glad she went after you instead of me now" everyone laughs and Quinn looks him in the eye yeah but I gotta beautiful family and I fucked Destiny Winstin Quinn on the reaper right where you're sitting and it was my name she was moaning.they all yell in unison "we know" Happy grins at him leans forward and kisses the table "thank the reaper table for a beautiful new princess of SAMCRO and futer son of anarchey. Congratulations I love your exhausted ass" everyone grins and smack the table both babies smile big grins with shining eyes like there mother.

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