oh baby!

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I'm sitting in the labor and delivery unit waiting for my childs father to get here Piney is currently walking by my side trying to help move this shit along Piney has become my adopted dad and will be the babies grand dad "Pop where is he are you sure hes on his way?" Piney smiles patently at me "he will be here eventually and until then you got Quinn and I. Besides look how scared he looks" I look up at Quinn watching me as if I'm gonna break and chuckle I mean its kind of cute every time I have a contraction he jumps up to hold me till it's over Pop just tells me to breath through it but I understand Q has never done this before but pops did this when Ope was born then the grand babes as well "Q will you go check where he is!"  I practically yell at him he pulls his phone up I dont catch the whole thing due to a contraction hitting but I hear enough to know Quinn is worried. "He's comming right?" Q looks at pop panicked and I sit down on my bed Q squats down in front of me "he's coming sweetie hes just a little far away" I look at him with wide eyes "how far because I'm not gonna last much longer little Lowman has been really patient so far" I look between them and I can tell in there eyes what isn't being said. I can feel my lip quiver dispite trying not to let it "he's too far isn't he?" Pop smiles sympathetically and I stand up making up my mind as if I had a choice I start grabbing my bag dispite the large amount of pain I'm in I start to walk to the door "allysa where are you going?" I turn to pop "well I'm not having this baby without Happy so the baby has waited nine mounts it's just gonna have to wait a while longer" I squear my shoulders and continue on my way "short stack you best get your ass back in here before I tell Happy that your trying to leave with out docs permission" I roll my eyes "what are you five Q gonna tell daddy on me" I blush when pop says "hey hey I dont wanna know what you call Hap at night" just then my contractions decided its time to be persistent with only about five seconds in between I feel hot and I reach out to grab Q as pop yells for a doctor. Quinn jumps up on the delivery table behind me and holds me "it's gonna be ok I'm here and Piney we will support you" I nod as Piney hands Quinn somthing "here place that on her forhead it will help with the heat..." I let out an unintended moan as the cool cloth soots some of the heat Q takes my hands as the doctor and two nurses hold my legs in place and tell me to push 15 minutes later Piney is cutting the cord of Piney Quinn Lowman 8 Lbs 8 oz 22 inches. After holding Piney I let pop hold me but I'm so tired I haven't yet let Q up as he's like a warm pillow while I'm holding baby Piney when Happy walks inthe door "Happy meet Piney Quinn Lowman your son!" Happy looks down and kisses his head then my lips as he begins to cry "hes beautiful. I'm so sorry I wasn't here" I brush his statment off as he and Quinn switch places "its ok Pop and Q made me moan in your absence" I smirk at him while pop spits out his coffee at my statement and Quinn almost falls to the floor laughing about it. Happy scowls "yeah it's ok I heard you let out a little secret about Daddy" I blush deeper and they all laugh "poor kid should of named him Piney Tig much more handsome" I laugh at Tig's statment "no hes named after his grand pop and god father...i mean I did almost break Quinn's hand after all" they all laugh and I look over to see Happy and Quinn smiling at Piney both with tears in there eyes I quickly snap a picture of it before falling asleep.

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