Happy's Princess

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I paced as I called Abel fighting back my tears looking for some foundation to cover my quickly forming bruies

A: hey brat
R: hey um can you come help me fix a window?
A: why do you have a broken window Rose?
R: it doesn't matter are you gonna help me of not?
A: yeah Rose I'll be over soon... Rose did he hit you again?
R: I'm fine see you soon. Don't tell my dad.

I sigh clicking my phone shut looking over at uncle Happy I take a deep breath as I walk over to him "I ah gotta talk to you about somthing it's important" he nods towards church and follows me in waiting for me to start "so Rose has been seeing this guy" I watch him square his shoulders "look I'm not suposed to tell you but if you happen to stop by her place in about half an hour I'll be fixing her window that he broke again...and she is probably covering her face with make up right now too. Just thought you should know" I walk out the door pating his sholder. Walking into Rose's I lean down to kiss her cheek "you ok darlin" she nods with her sad eyes "I wanna be wanted...im tired of fighting" I wrap my arms around her as we hear the rev of engines coming she stiffins "you told him didn't you" I sigh "no I mentiond they may wanna stop by and you can be pissed if you want to that doesn't change it now".

I watch frozen as uncle Tig and uncle Chibs walk over to give me a kiss on the head " 'ello little luv" Chibs wraps me in hug "I'm in trouble aren't I?" "Ya sould ave told us" he replied ignoring the question as he passed me off to Tiggy "Doll we aren't mad at you but disappointed you didn't say anything your Daddy wants to talk to ya be brave" he pushes me towards the living room and goes to help Abel with my window. Walking in I walk up to my dad he holds a hand out to me I take it and before I know it he pulls me closer and wipes my face with a wet washcloth I didn't see he had "daddy don't " but it was too late "why didn't you tell me princess? I just fond you and your letting a guy do this to you what if he didn't stop what if he took you from me" I feel my tears falling down my face my dad cradled my small frame to his lap and rocked me like a little kid as I cried and sobed out "I dont wanna be alone" I feel him brush my hair with his fingers "shhh easy princess" once I'm settled down he kisses my head "you need to communicate Rosey baby I know you like your privacy but you need to tell me when stuff is going wrong so I can help" I nod my head "daddy can you stay and hang out...in case he coes back" he grins at me "and so we can spend some time together" he squeezes me "of course princess any time".

Later I look down to see Rose has fallen asleep with her head on my lap and I grin as I brush her black hair with my fingers sge looks a lot like me brown eyes, black hair, she's quiet and observative but she's shy like her mom and she has low self esteem but she is beautiful and smart and kind one day she will make Abel a vary proud old man as soon as she realizes he's been claiming her since about a week after moving here I kiss her fore head as I lay back and fall asleep smiling.

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