when the past calls 2

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After hanging up my phone I take a deep breath and go to return to my family but stop in my tracks to listen "oh please I look just like him mom...he's my dad isn't he?" I smile well she looks like me but definitely has her mothers attitude. Nothing could have prepared me for what Robin said next as she tells the girl the truth but not quite the whole truth "yes he's your dad but he didn't know...he never knew about you the only ones that did was your grandpa and uncle Clay." There is a pause "mom how could you do that to me how could you not tell him what were you his whore" my anger is sparked hearing those words from my daughters mouth "no I wasnt a whore its just we never descussed kids or a family and when I found out I was scared so I avoided the problem and left...i'm sorry but you weren't here yet and it was my choice." I sigh and shut my eyes hard I dont know if I'm relieved that she took the whole blame or upset that she did because we did descuss a baby I didn't know she already was pregnant I never would have turned them away "I dont know what to say mom I get you were scared but I won't lie right now I think I hate you" nope I'm pissed she took the whole blame I decide now is my time to step in especially if I want them both in my life from now on "don't speak to your mom like that she was trying to protect herself and she thought she was protecting you from disappointment. As I do want to be here now that I know about you you will not speak to and disrespect her like that. Your mom and I will descus why she did what she did and work it out but that's none of your concern" the girl noded her head and apoligized to Robin who is now looking at me with a mixture of thankfulness and shoke. I watch My daughter suddenly perk up "My name is Sam its short for Samcro my full name is Samcro winter quinn you can call me Sam or winter." Samcro looks down shyly as I grin at her I loved her name and I loved that she acts like her mother she finally looks up at me through her lashes "can I call you dad?" I chuckle at her shyness "yes princess you can call me dad" she bounces happily and I laugh "can I hug you dad?" I pull her in a tight hug and look up to see my wife with tears rolling down her face this time happy ones I crook my finger at Robin she shakes her head and looks away but I can see it she feels guilty for leaving and for keeping her from me once she thought I looked away she peeked up through her lashes much like Sam had I mouth to her 'come here now' once she steps closer I pull her in my other arm and whisper in her ear "I'm not happy you left like that and we will be talking about it...but I promise you we will be ok all of us." She starts to look away again while I pull her closer and kiss her head while we wait for Happy to get here. Once he pulls up and gets off his bike he looks up and rasps "Jesus Christ Rob what the hell happened to you?" "she was protecting me" I hear my daughter squeak out and smile while happy looks back and forth between us I laugh as his confused look "Happy this is my daughter Samcro" I look to see her hiding by her mom "she's a little shy Hap. take care of her...he will keep you safe Sammie" I watch Happy put her on hit bike and place his helmet on her I hand him a roll of money "food, clothes, any thing she wants you get it for her" he chuckles "you got your dad wrapped around your finger already kiddo" she smiles and wraps her arms arond her she whispers to me "please take care of my mommy she feels bad for her choices you can see it" I kiss her forhead "I will be good hold on tight lean with him" I turn to Happy staring shoked at us "I didn't know you had a kid" I shake my head "I didn't either Hap". They leave and I'm faced with the reason I came there leaning on my bike is Robin all bruised and being swallowed by my shirt I wrap my arms around her causeing her to jump and pull away from me "sorry its been awhile I'm not used to that" she looks down again "it's ok queen we can get back to the hotel and get reaquainted with each other AFTER we call your dad and let him know what happened and that your safe" she sighs "Quin-" "Rane" I correct "Rane I'm sorry I ruined your night as soon as we get back I'll be fine and you can go back to your company for the night" I freeze and pull her back to me and look down at her loward head putting my hand on her cheek forcing her to look at me "Robin I haven't slept nor been touched by anyone but my wife sence I met you" I smile wide at her shocked state as I put my helmet on her and place her on my bike then get on I pull her so close shes almost on top of me then place her arms around me I feel her rub my muscles I smile feeling her relax to me till she leans up and whispers "I haven't had anyone either baby but if you don't hurry between your bikes vibration and your body I might reach back here and start by myself" there's that sassyness I knew she had I grab her hands and place them over my growing hardness "love if you toutch yourself with out my permission you're just gonna add to your spanking you've already got coming" I hear her moan a little then bounce excitedly I laugh at her excitement and take off to take care of my wife and start living my life with my family.

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