relieving tension part 2

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About a month later

Donna walked in on me with a croweater I could tell what pissed her off more was that I had my eyes shut and was calling her Rose which based on the pissed expression on her face was not her name probubly not even close. I threw my pants on and walked out after Donna "what did you expect Donna I waited four years and you went and got a side piece" she ignored me and got in Rose's face calling her a whore telling her she should leave and the club would let her go probubly happy to be rid of her. I watched as she ran to Quinn's dorm so she didn't break infront of everyone Quinn was on a run and she was staying at the club house till he got back. Donna left TM and I sat next to Happy "wanna tell me what that was about" I shook my head the only one I wanted to talk to about that was Quinn maybe Rose if she wanted to talk suddenly I here Hap swear next to me "where the fuck you go in little girl?" She ingnores him I look up to see she's got a duffle bag packed headed for her car "shit Happy call Quinn" I run over and block her way "where ya goin Rose" with out looking up she pushed past me "Ope get off me" I grab her by her waist and haul her back inside to my down planting my self infront of it keeps her eyes down silently "whats going on in that head of yours Rose" she shakes her head then mumbles "will you just let me leave? Im so tired of fucking things up for you guys" her voce breaks and she starts to sob I scoop her up in my lap and hold her "Kitten its not true no one wants you to go anywhere and you are not a who're!" later Quinn walks in "hey brother what the fuck happened Hap said she had a bag and was ready to walk out on us" I sigh and proceed to tell him everything I saw it he wanted to tell me somthing but forced himself not to as he smiled "keep her tonight man she looks comfortable there in your arms" I nod my head Happy to be able to hold her guilt free. Not soon after that event Donna got tired of me choosing the club over her and she left left me with signed papers of the kids being in my custody and a note that she was done she couldn't love a man who loved the kids and club more then his wife. Rose with Quinn's ok tried to step in so I could straighten my head out once she heard "Ope I know her and I had issues and disagreed about the club but I didn't know she would ever hit that point. If this is in anyway my fault I'm so sorry." I watched as she looked down I couldn't help it my temper spiked and I snaped at her "well I'm sure your constant comments about her not being a good old lady didn't help matters" I was her look up at me with shoke at my yelling at her but because I had known how to get her I saw it for a split second she slipped to her sub space and she grabed her bag to leave "Rose I didn't mean to use that again-" she mummbled "it's fine" as she ran out of the door and I closed my eyes and sighed rubbing my face fucking great.


I smile hearing my ol lady come in the house "hey love how were the kids" after not getting an answer I turn around to see what was wrong and am caught off gaurd when I turn to see her on her knees in the doorway with her arms behind her back and face looking up at me pleading with her eyes "you wanna play Kitten?" She nods her head as she crawls over to me striping me of my pants and boxers. I shove my hand in her hair and fist it as she begins sucking my dick deeply and fast as I feel myself getting close "thats enough Kitten we can continue together" I try to stop her as I never make her finish me this way unless she has done somthing wrong I try to always let her finish with me or before me even when she has done wrong. She refuses to let me stop her as she speeds even faster to Finnish me I wrap my other fist in her hair as I let go and cum down her throat growling out "my Kitten". Before I can say anything she gets up to head to the stairs "Kitten don't you wanna cum?" She shakes her head no silently "oh. ok when are you going to get the kids again?" She looks at the wall as she says just loud enough for me to hear "I'm not getting them anymore I already chased there mom away I won't chase there dad away as well. I'm also staying away from the club from now on" I see tears well up in her eyes as I see her heart break at her own words and reach my hand out as she pulls away as if me touching her would burn "hey dont say that" she looks down at the floor and walks to the bathroom with out a word now I know Rose but I know Kitten too and the only time I've seen her like this was once when we were still NOMAD we were at a lock down to help and she knew she was safe so she joind the party she got to drunk and was dancing to a song and got to into it dancing highly alluring infront of the whole MC I thought it was hot as fuck because everyone knew she was mine no one could toutch her but once the song was done she poped her eyes open as if just realizing what she did I watched as she made eye contact with me slipping into her sub space she lowered her head and went to the room we had been sharing I walked into her in a submissive stance and like just now she refused that night to cum... I know my Rose somthing happened or was said to make her feel like she was at fault for Donna and I would be revisiting that but she was also feeling guilty because somthing happened to put her in her sub space and it wasnt me. I pulled out my phone dialing Oppie "why did I just have a Kitten refusing to let herselft be pleasured you know I don't like that shit" I hear hus sigh and listen to his explanation I smile slightly poor woman got slipped into her sub space and didn't know what todo. "Wait did you say Kitten came in the door" I smile wide as I hear it start to click for him "Quinn why did she run away when she looked at me like that I thought it was because I yelled at her but then I remembered this is Rose" I wait and then he chuckles "how the fuck did I not see it how long?" I laugh at him "well somtime between us moving in and the welcome party at the end of the week when she told me but she was so drunk she doesn't remember telling me so don't rat me out" he chuckles "you ok with me getting involved in your guys relationship?" I chuckle "ironicly you already are" I hear him release a breath. "Okay im gonna talk to her when she brings the kids home from school" I sigh yeah the other problem "no youre gonna have to come here she said she couldn't see them any more" I hear his anger peak "the fuck she can't what exactly did she say?" I take a deep breath "I asked when she was getting them again and she said 'I'm not getting them anymore I already chased there mom away I won't chase there dad away as well.' And she also may have mentiond not seeing any of the guys any more...if you said somthing to her you better fix it I don't take kindly to seeing heart broken in her eyes and if you feel for her like I do I would imagine you dont either" with that I hung up the phone before I said somthing else. I made my way up to our room to see Rose in bed shaking with her tears I climb in behind her and wrap my arms protectivly around her and whisper in her ear "you are loved by that club if you stop coming around I will let them knock this door down to get to you. On top of that I fucking love you and you will not denie me the chance to take care of you sexually or any other way do you understand me woman" I feel her nod and choke out "yes Rane" in a few minutes she's asleep soon Opie walks in I get up gently and have him take my place then head out to get the kids from school.

Part 3 coming soon

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