cooking lessons

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I pull up to my house to see Tommy my neighbors son on my front steps "Mr. Elvis I need to ask you a favor" my curiosity got the best of me "what's up buddy" he grins up at me and hands me about $10 in one's "I need you to make cupcakes or cookies for my class christmas party if ten isn't enough I have more saved up I can go get it." I laugh loudly  " why not have your mom do it" he sighs and blushes "I'm not suposed to tell people what she does" tbis really gets my attention "well you can tell me I won't tell any one" he holds out his pinkey "promise?" I wrap my large pinkey around his little 12 year old one he potions for me to come closer then says "mom goes to the store and buys them then puts them on a plate and wraps them up and sends them to school look normally I wouldn't ask but my mom got forgot and is going to actually try and bake them like I said I will pay you" I smile at the foolish lie that my neighbor tells the school all to keep from cooking "that's not necessary buddy I'll do it for free come on you can help". Two hours later there is a knock at my door I open it to see Tommy's mom "have you seen my son he isn't home yet and its going to be a long night so I need hi-" I feel Tommy peak arond me "hey mom sorry I forgot to call you". I told Tommy I would package the cookies for him and get them to him by school in the morning. Avout 2 am I hear an angery Lilly as her smoke detector goes off yet again she steps out on her back porch and throws the pan growling she hasn't noticed me by the fence yet "god damn stupid ass shit I don't understand why his teachers demand this shit every year" I watch her pace and rant for a moment before I step infront of her laughing she scouls at me she smacks at me and marches of I laugh as I grab her arm "I'm sorry sweetie I don't mean to laugh but I didn't realize it was that bad maybe you should stick to sending store bought" I watch her roll her lips and blush looking away "yeah I don't cook or bake which one told ya" I chuckle "Lisa told me about a year ago the day I got her off the bus for you when you were running late and Tommy told me today" she continues to look away from me "you must think that's so stupid right? I would rather send stuff from the store and claim its mine instead of embarrassing my children..." I watch her quietly as she finally looks at me and I can see the defeat there "I just don't wanna let them down any more then I have ya know?" I go stand in front of her "Lilly its not your fault there dad walked out that's all on him and who cares what people think about you hunny and besides nobody would be upset if the listened to you try to bake for the past 9 hours..." She snorts and burried her face in my chest "Bobby whats your catch why are you out here listening to me swear at the school and degrade myself" I smile and wrap my arms around her and tug her hair to get her to look up at me "Lil I already made his cookies for school he asked me to so you wouldn't have to." She shuts her eyes tightly "I'm sorry you felt you had to do that Bobby" I laugh hard "please if I had known what the past 9 hours were gonna sond like I would have told you earlier but Hunny you've been sneaking me in your house to hold you at night for the past what 8 months now why didn't you tell me? And don't give me any bullshit I know when you lie to me"  she looks away again "well my god Bobby how was I supposed to tell you 'ya know how you're a god in the kitchen well I'm not can you make my children stuff for school oh and every meal while your at it' like Jesus Christ you would have ran as fast as you could" I lean forward nip at her ear "move in with me we can help each other" she snaps her head to me like I have two heads "Bobby we haven't even told the kids yet, and what would I even help with I'm wreck and you know-" I kiss her hard "breath hunny I'll cook and be the kids dad I mean I basically am, and you can give me a family I always wanted, we can keep each other warm at night, Lilly give up some control and let me take some...i want to." She bites her lip as she thinks I laugh "just say yes mom" we both turn to see Lisa and Tommy smiling at us I pull her to me "3 agents 1 hunny I win. Come on kids your rooms are all ready we will start moving tomorrow and I'll make non Burt pancakes" the kids run happily into my house as Lilly snakes my arm "my pancakes arnt burnt I make bowls of cereal " I laugh and smack her ads "pretty sure Lisa said once you put orange juice in it" she stops and turns "how many secrets do you have on me "enough that you better get that beautiful ass in my bed before I start yelling then to our town" she runs up the stairs as I lock up our house for the night smiling my family is together at last.

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