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Rolling into Charming I take my phone out and take a picture of myself in front of the famous welcome to charming sign to text my best friends in our group chat later. A few minutes later I'm walking up to TM hoping to not get spotted yet I send them my picture and I smile while I wait first is Happy "What the fuck...Koz look" I can't help but smile "yeah I see it I'm going to meet up with her" I snicker as I sneak up behind them and wrap my arms around Koz making him jump for a moment "fuck Vicki you trying to get shot" I ignore my brain telling me it would hurt less then i do right now instead I laugh and jump in his arms "surprise bitches!" I then jump from Koz  to Hap who wraps me up tightly "why you here little girl?" I bite my lip debating when to tell them and decide on later "I needed a movie night with my best friends" they laugh and hand me an address "we get off at 5 then come to you". Once they get back i happily sit between them and eat pizza talk shit and watch what ever stupid ass movie they picked until they retire to there rooms late that night i sigh relieved that they didn't ask any questions. I stand by there sink looking out the window thinking about what led me here or rather who. I always wanted to be that wife that was adored by all and have the husband that was sweet because he loved me ha yeah really girly shit yeah I   know but know I get to walk in the kitchen of my own house to see my husband eating my Co worker for dinner. I jump feeling a hand on my arm then laugh seeing happy "why you really here little girl" I turn and wrap my arms around him "I just missed you guys" he smiles down at me "last I checked you got in trouble for hanging out with us without hubby present" he stated flatly I lower my head and step away from hi  just to be caught by Kozik "we got text messages from him asking to tell you he fucked up and wants you to come home. So what did he fucking do oh and you're not going home." I sigh deeply as I shut my eyes tightly I feel my tears escape "she's skinnyer then me, with no breasts and no ass and she had the fakest was on my table th- th- that I p- picked out." My now I'm bawling and my two best friends are holding me on each side once I'm calmed down I whisper "what the fuck am I gonna do now" Koz nudges my shoulder "you're gonna drink and eat a tub of ice cream with Hap and I..." he places a tube of moose tracks on my lap and a bottle of taquiela and I laugh suddenly Happy adds "then we're gonna find you what ever biker to rock his world then we can work on getting you moved up here because you're not going back" I wrap my arms around both of them tightly "you guys are the best...I want the cute president.." koz looks at me shockdd "Jax is a bit yound for your taste isn't he hun?" I smile at them wide "not Jax the one that used to flirt with me...I wanna climb him like a tree" I walk over finding the picture of Happy with the nomads and point to Quinn. Happy laughs and walks off down the hall I asume to find a new movie. "SO you got a thing for Quinn huh" Kozi laughs then I roll my eyes "he witnessed Zach and I fighting one night over him thinking I needed to lose weight Rane was coming to give me a ride to work and Zach told him that my fat ass would break his bike he knocked Zach out with one punch. Quinn dropped me off to work and kissed my cheek, said my 'fat ass was fuckin beutiful and that he would love to feel my thick thighs wrapped around his face next time because the felt amazing arond his waist as i rode with him' then smacked my ass as I blushed and walked away yelling a cross the parking lot that when he fucked up and I wanted a real man to give him a call" I layer my head on his shoulder as he kissed my head "it sucks ya know?" He looks at me confused "that he just wanted to make me feel better before work...that I know that it was all a show" I sigh and huff "oh well". I close my eyes still on his shoulder when the couch dips I assume it's Happy so with out opening my eyes I cuddle up to his side he wraps his arms around me as I rest my head on his shoulder "hey Vick ya know Quinn transferred to SAMCRO?" I shrug my shoulder "what's your point Kozik?" I feel Hap chuckle under my head as early kisses my head softly.  Then from across the room I get "his point is maybe you shouldn't write Quinn and his commens off so quick" I freeze realizing that was Happy across the room I slowly look up into Rane Quinn's amused eyes and feel my face take on the complection of a tomato and immediately jump up from the couch as Koz and Hap snicker and I make my way to the kitchen for a glass of water to sooth my embarrassment but when I turned from the counter Quinn takes my glass and puts it behind himself grinning down at me as I step back towards the counter "small woman I didn't just say those things to talk I love your beautiful body but I wasn't gonna make you cheat so i could have fun" he traps me between his body and the counter "how ever you ever question your beauty again I'll tie ya to my bed and tape a vibrator to your beautiful pussy just so I can watch your beautiful body in extasy while I watch." I wimper just loud enough for him to hear and smirk he leans down grabbing hand fulls of my ass and bites my ear and says loudly "now obviously he fucked up so it's my turn to feel those thighs around my face so anyone who doesn't wanna listen to me fuck my ol' lady on the counter top may wanna leave!" I hear Kozik run for the door "you have fun that's descusting but have fun...bye Vick" he laughs his way out the door and Happy pokes his head in already have seen me with less clothing on before "first of all that's my counter so thanks for that image ass hole. Second don't forget protection kids" with that he turned to laugh but is stopped by Rane "hap I'm not comfortable with the fact that she cuddled up so close to you when she thought I was you y'all can hug and shit but no more cuddling you hear me" happy smiles and nods his agreement "now get the fuck out" Rane bites my neck and I can't help the load moan of his name that escapes my mouth "common guys that's descustung! At least let me get out of the room!" Rane smiles against my neck as I wimper again then yell "HAPPY LOWMAN GET THEORY FUCK OUT!".

Sons Of Anarchy One Shots Part 1 *requests closed!*Where stories live. Discover now