when the past calls

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Briefly mentions being abused!

I wakes to my cell ringing as I check the time it's 3 am I shakes my head as I picks up the phone and here my daughter's broken voice "daddy I know you're mad but can you have somone come get me please?"  hearing the tears in her voice is all it takes for me to be on my feet "always princess send me your location then call me back" I hang up and grab Clay "Rob is in trouble who you got near texas?" Clay smiles at me "Quinn and the nomads" I quickly dial his number "yeah Piney?" I sigh "remeber Robin my daughter?" He chuckles "yeah how is Saten?" "I just sent you an address please go get her for me...and be nice she sounded broken and she called me daddy" I hear his tone turn serious "oh shit yeah I'll go get her and call you once I do" he hangs up. "Hey princess I have help on its way do you want me to stay on with you?" I hear her sniff "no I will be fine....thank you daddy" she hangs up and I try to rack my brain on what could have happened she never calls me daddy it's always dad or Piney "did you tell her she was coming to get her?" I turn to a smirking Clay "no she would have told me never mind".

I knock on the door on my way to my bike Happy peaks his head out hey I'm going for a ride I'll be back soon" he nods and closes his door and I force my self to calmly walk to my bike dispite the alarms going off in my head Robin is in trouble or hurt that's the only time she called Piney daddy I don't blame her of course Piney knew she existed but waited for her to come to him its not like he knew her mother was abusive though until she told him that is then he was pissed and hated his self but that doesn't change what she lived with I got it I didn't blame her fir having a problem with him. I push my thoughts aside as I pull up to the gas station where I was directed to I don't see her though just as I'm about to get back on my bike I hear her it though I hear light whimpering and walk around the corner of the store to see Robin with her clothing ripped everywhere and a bruised face and ribs "Jesus fucking christ" I quickly run to her removing my shirt to put arond her then place my kut back on and pull her up and wrap her in my arms she starts to sob and gold my cut like her life depended on it "I have you Robin I'm right here" once she's calmed down she looks around "Rane please tell me somone else is here with you another bike" this peeks a bit of anger I shake my head "I think you can ride on my bike Rob you rode me for 3 years I figuered I could come get my wife alone" she suddenly pulls back and looks down shes hiding somthing and it isn't what I thought it was. "Robin I will call Hap. but you need to tell me why I need another bike" just then I notice movment in the shadows and push Robin behind me as I grab my gun "Rain no!" She grabs my hand as I hear "mom can I come out now that your help is here" I freeze looking at a teenaged female copy of myself but with Robin's eyes and shyness suddenly it clicks 13 years ago Robin and I got in a fight over wanting a baby and now I know why she walk out on me the next day "Rane don't be mad just call Happy to come help and then we will leave and you can forg-" I torn cutting her off with my eyes "NO! I WILL GET YOU BOTH BACK TO THE HOTEL THEN WHILE HAPPY TAKES HER TO GET SOME FOOD AND SOME CLOTHES YOU AND I ARE GONNA TALK I WILL BE IN BOTH OF YOYR LIVES" she looks down knowing to let it be for now she grabs the girl in her arms and holds her I hand Robin my gun "anyone comes up to you who isn't me you tell for me and aim at them I'll be at my bake calling Happy he isn't far".

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