Happy's sugar

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"Yeah baby spank me" I make the best forced moan I can muster thankfully my client has a thing for doggie style so I dont have to cover my eye roll as he lightly taps my ass let's see I need eggs, milk, chocolate chips, I need to get snacks for Lily for after school I pause my list as I hear his strangled "yeah baby I'm so close-" and he cums roll over and watch him take off his condom and get redressed then come over to kiss my cheek "I'll see you next week sugar" once his back is turned I roll my eyes again oh Lily wants to make cupcakes I'll need cake mix cupcake papers and frosting and sprinkles. After I got dressed in my 'mom clothes' as Layla likes to call them I head out to leave stopping by Layla for my pay unfortunately I didn't bring in a whole lot "maybe you should let on of the club guys have you for a night you might get tipped better you may even like it" I shake my head "I'm not stupid I know they aren't bad guys Layla but I'm not gonna go get myself naked with one I'm just gonna have to start breaking some of my rules I'll figure it out" she sighs "you could brake your rule about bikers" I snort "been there done that bikers don't stay they get what they want then run for the hills last thing I need is to actually enjoy it then have them fire me I need the money I'll let people start knife play" I say as I walk out the door to go to get my daughter. I smile brightly as my whole world comes running to me "mama are we gonna make cupcakes?" I kiss her cheeck "we sure are lets go to the store". I smile walking down the isle as Lily picks all her favorites until smhe looks at me "I want those pretty please" I smile "yes anything you want how about you go pick out somthing for dinner while I get them" she runs off and I stare at the spinkles no problem only I'm about a foot too short to reach them I look around to see if anyone's looking then climb up the shelf but jump at the snicker behind me "you could've asked one of the guys to come help you we do it for the other girls" i look over the sholder to see none other then Happy Lowman watching me "I'm fine I don't need help" I snap back just as I hear "hey lady you can't do that" in my surprise at getting caught my left foot slips twisting my anckel and I shut my eyes tight expecting pain that never comes I look up to see Happy didn't let me fall more then maybe two inches I feel my face become pink "s s sorry" I push myself away from his arms he opens his mouth to say somthing but is beat by "mama I picked pizza" I smile and grab the pizza from ber to place it in my cart "great choice" she smiles then turns to Happy "look mama he has tattoos too. Mama has my name on her sholder and a motorcycle acro-" I cur her off "that's enough Lily" I blush a little and glace up I see his eyes filled with amusement I blush and look away "lil go grab frosting" she skips off "look thanks for catching me but I gotta go" I turn but stop feeling a yank on my top and feel the cold of Happy's rings tracing the Harley Davidson surrounded by flames "you like motorcycles little girl?" I shake my head and limp off not answeing. Once at check out I'm disappointed to learn that after paying rent I don't have enough cash for everything "Hey how about a cake instead" I see the upset in her eyes as she nods yes I hand the cupcake papers sprinkles and chocolate chips back then decide the eggs are more important then the milk pay then limp out the door fuck my anckel really hurts "hey" I stop and turn to Happy's voice to see a bag held out to me Lily runs over and wraps him in a hug to thank him he steps forward handing it to me I mumble "you didn't have to do that Mr. Lowman" he smirks down at me then leans in to whisper "it's no problem maybe you can spend some time with me at work tomorrow" I just then mentally scream "sorry Happy that would break rule number one...no bikers" I turn and continue on home leaving a confused happy in the parking lot.


I walk in the club house and sit down in front of Opie and his ol lady "Sugar what's her story" she smiles "well where should I start?" I growl out "why does she avoid us if she loves Harley's enough to get a tattoo of one? I've seen her file she's into the kinky shit I like I've been trying to get a night with her for months now she tells me no she will let other guys give her pleasure but not one of us" she sighs "her baby Lillian her father was a biker he was fine with her until she got pregnate essentially told her he didn't want anything more then sex and that if she kept the baby she was on her own. Needless to say she kept Lily" now Opie decides to put his two cents in "so he left because all he wanted was sex and she works where people just want her for sex whats the point" Layla looks at both of us as if we're stupid "she works there so she can afford her daughter and have time to spare with her and no Happy just for thhe record she doesn't let anyone pleasure her because she fakes it at the end of her shift she has never had the happy well fucked look the rest of the girls do because everyone wants to think they can handle a girl like her and they can't " she huffs and walks away I could handle her make her satisfyed I smirk at the thought tomorrow I will start my plan.


Walking into work I hand my new papers to Layla ignoring Happy standing there with his arms crossed "woah sugar thats some serious shit you really gonna add that to stuff people can do to you" I nod my head resisting ny urge to pull it back as I walk to my room to get ready I strip down and put on my lace gown and sit on the bed suddenly the door slams open and there stands a pissed Happy "what can I do for you I have clien-" "I caught your week the whole fucking thing" I roll my eyes until he throws my papers on the bed "you're gonna let people hold knives while they play with you sugar that kinda shit should only be once you can fully trust somone" I look away until Hap grabs my hair "woman I'm talking to you" I gasp at the feeling "happy I need the money its getting hard keeping clients with the younger girls here." Suddenly he drops down to kiss me hard "I'll pay you enough baby bht no one toutches you but me till further notice" she nods excitedly as I chuckle

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