Christmas day part 3

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Thank you guys so much for reading my book  vote and comment if you like it. :-)
Danielle x
Jessica's pov

After recording the conversation between my mum and Dean, I had to go to the bathroom and I knew the ones in the pub were locked so I went upstairs. After leaving the bathroom I was walking past my mum and dads room when I heard the conversation they were having, well it was more my dad talking but. I sat on the ground leaning on the wall to listen to what my dad was saying he was always really romantic so I wanted to here how he proposed to my mum. After a long romantic speech he asked her. "Linda Carter will you marry me" "I'm sorry" why is she sorry she loves him. "what do you mean your sorry" my dad said. "I can't" "what why?" "it's Dean he raped me". Even though I knew I still couldn't believe it. "he raped ya, what" after my dad said that there was silence and no one spoke. I felt myself welling up and I couldn't hold the tears in anymore and I quietly  broke down. "Mick, Mick please say something" "I don't know what to say" "say that you believe me" how could she think he wouldn't believe her of course he would believe her. "I believe ya, of course I believe ya". "The way you been acting I knew it wasn't because your were pregnant, the baby is that why you wanted to have an abortion, its his isn't it" she wanted to have an abortion what, what  if  the baby is Dean's I never taught of that but surely not of course its dads. "I don't know, I know how hard this is but it could be ours, our baby. I'm hoping, I'm praying. Mick look at me, look at me. I'm still me  what he did, he's already taken so much please not you too" "what he did what did he do I think I need to know. What he did to you, you need to tell me cause if you don't, I'm just going to imagine, let me tell you something now, the truth cant  be any worse then what is going on in my nut right now" "please" "I need to know what he did to you" "don't mick" "if you don't do it I'll make him do it" "please mick" "I'll make him look me in the eyes and tell me"  "this is why I didn't want to tell you" "and when hes finished,I will iron him out" "nooo!!!!" I couldn't believe she was saying no but then I taught about my dad would kill him and he would end up in jail and that's when I figured out why she was saying no. "NO, after what he's done to you" I heard someone walking towards the door. My dad opened the door just as my mum shouted. "don't think about him, think about me" then my dad saw me and he stopped. my mum came up behind him and saw me. "how much did you hear" my dad asked me. "all of it, I knew about it anyway" 

Linda's pov

After trying to reason with Mick to not go and make Dean tell him what he did to me, it didn't work he got up and stormed out. Just as he got to the door I shouted "don't think about him, think about me" as I finished he just froze in the doorway, I got of the bed and walked over to him when I saw what he was looking at. Jessica was sitting on the ground crying. "How much did you hear" Mick said to her. "All of it I knew about it anyway" I couldn't believe it how did she find out. I knew we had to talk about it Mick needed an explanation and I had to talk to Jessica about it. "Mick go into the sitting room we need to talk about this" Mick walked into the sitting room and Jessica stayed where she was. I walked over to her and took her hand.  She got up and walked into the sitting room with me still holding my hand. We sat down I decided to let Jessica go first. "Jess how did you find out" 

Jessica's pov

My mum told my dad to go into the sitting room I stayed where I was. When my mum came over to me and took my hand, I got up and walked into the sitting room with her still holding her hand. I sat down on the couch next to my mum, while my dad sat on the armchair. "Jess how did you find out" I knew I would have to tell her sometime but I taught I had time. "Two days ago I went into town to get presents and when I came home I asked dad where you were and he said that you were upstairs talking to Stacey I went upstairs and was about to go into my room when I heard what Stacey was saying, I grabbed my bags and went into my room and I was putting the bags in the back of my wardrobe when I found the black bag you had given me the day after Phil and Sharon's wedding, when I went to put the bag in the bin that day but the bin was full so I put it in the back of my wardrobe I knew there was no actual rubbish in it and I only meant to put it until the bin got emptied and then about like twenty minutes ago before mum came up I went behind the bar to get my phone and heard the conversation between mum and Dean  I recorded it on my phone and he admitted it,  he admitted to raping you.  " I looked over at my dad who seemed upset and angry. "Mum, I'm sorry" "you don't have to be sorry none of this is your fault" "dad I was going to tell you but I was scared and I was afraid that when you found out that things would change. I just wanted to have one last Christmas where everything was the same dad I'm sorry"  " Jess it's ok come here" I got up and went over to my dad he stood up and hugged me. "Nothing is going to change I promise you"  after my dad finished hugging me and I went back over and sat back down. 

Mick's pov

After Jessica explained how she found out things started to make sense but I still wanted to know what Dean did to Linda. "L I still  want to know"

Linda's pov

"Fine, Jess you might not want to her this" "I have had a lot of images going around in my head for the past two days they can't be any worse than what you are going to say" "ok, after you and Tina went to look for Shirley and after you asked me to keep an eye on Dean I brought him upstairs because the kids were cleaning up and making a lot of noise. We went into the sitting room and sat down we talked he was upset  so I tried to comfort him and he said that no one would care if he left and I said I would care but I meant it in a mother kind of way I wasn't leading him on. I went into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate  when he came in and closed the door. He came up behind me and I asked him what he was doing and he said that he knew I wanted it. Before I could say anything he kissed me I pushed him of off me but then he grabbed me and pinned me on the table and he raped me. I said no but I couldn't  move or scream" I looked over at Mick he looked furious like he could kill someone and I know who. Then I looked at Jessica who looked like she was going to get sick. " No one is going to say anything ok  we are going to go downstairs eat dinner and act  normal. You both have to promise me you wont tell anyone I don't want anyone else to know" they both nodded then Jessica got up and ran out of the room I could hear her getting sick I followed her into the bathroom to hold her hair back. After she had finished she brushed her teeth then she went downstairs, we decided to let her go first because the others were expecting to us to come down and be engaged and I knew they would be suspicious if all three of us came down together. After then me and Mick went down. 

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