Back to normality

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Jessica's pov

Today is the first day I have woken up not feeling worried or anxious, ever since Dean got sent down my life has been going back to normal little by little. 

Today we are going wedding dress shopping for mum and dads wedding wait did I mention mum and dad are finally getting married well they are, they are getting married in the middle of June in Hawaii. Anyway right now I am in my room trying to figure what to wear, I have already eaten and  I am the only one up. It's warm out so I am probably going to wear shorts. After about ten minutes I have finally decided what I am going to wear now I am going to go take a shower and try not wake anyone. 

After I finished my shower I got dressed into black shorts, white floral print aeropastel t shirt, white converse. 

Once I was dressed I dried my hair and tied it up in a ponytail and put on some light make-up

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Once I was dressed I dried my hair and tied it up in a ponytail and put on some light make-up . Just as I finished my make-up I heard Ollie start to cry so I decided to go and get him before he wakes anyone else up. I go into his room and go over to his crib ''hey little man whats all the fussing about'' I say as I lift him out of his crib, once I have him out I lay him on the changing table change his nappy and take him into the kitchen to feed him. Once he was fed I take him back into his room and change him into a grey t-shirt with a shark on it, navy shorts with palm trees, his sunglasses and some mickey mouse flip flops . 

Seen as we are the only ones up I decided to take him for a walk

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Seen as we are the only ones up I decided to take him for a walk. I go into my room grab my phone and sunglasses and go into the kitchen and leave a note for mum and dad so they don't worry. I take Ollie downstairs and put him in his buggy and leave out through the back door. 

Linda's pov

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Linda's pov

I wake up and check the time and realise it's ten o'clock, I'm surprised Ollie hasn't woken up yet. I get out of bed and put my dressing gown on and go into his room and realise he isn't in his room, 'don't panic I'm sure he is fine' I say to myself while going into the kitchen where I find a note from Jessica

hey mum I was awake early so I decided to take Ollie out for a walk so you could have a lie in, he is fed and changed see you soon jess x

I smile as I read the letter Jessica is so good with Ollie, I'm happy she is back to her normal self, I hated seeing my baby girl so unhappy and now that horrible man has been sent down she is slowly going back to her normal bubbly self.

Jessica's pov 

After walking for about twenty minutes I decide to head back. I get back to the pub and leave Ollie's buggy at the back door and take him upstairs. I walk into the kitchen and find mum and dad having breakfast ''there's my two favourite babies'' mum says as I walk into the kitchen. I hand her Ollie and sit down beside dad ''when are we going shopping'' I ask mum and I pour myself out some orange juice ''Jane and Sharon will be here about one so we will leave around then'' ''ok''. 

After about two hours Jane and Sharon arrive and we leave, it's only mum, Jane, Sharon, Ollie and I as Nancy and Whitney are busy. After shopping for about two hours we still didn't have a dresses but we did have an outfit for Ollie, we only have three weeks before we leave so we need to get the dresses soon. 

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